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Riley's POV)
Another normal day, but it wasn't. Went down to see if my parents made breakfast, but they hadn't. Waited for Maya to pick me up, but she didn't.

     I went downstairs to grab my backpack off of the table and ran down to the subway. We passed the stop that lead to the school. I'm not going to school just yet. I went straight to Maya's apartment and ran up to her door. One knock. Nothing. Two knocks. Nothing. Five knocks. Nothing. Then, almost immediately, my phone buzzed. I quickly grabbed it out of my backpack and read the text.

Riley, go to school. I'm not going to be there for the rest of the week. I'm sorry.

I texted back, my fingers blazing across the keyboard.

Maya, let me in. Let me in right now. I am going to take care of you, whether you like it or not.

I then heard the window above me slide open and I looked up to see Maya peering down. She looked quite pale and was shaking from head to toe.
"Riley, honey, I'm gonna need you to go to school now. Please."
"Maya I'm not leaving your side until you tell me what's wr-" I cut myself off remembering the spare key hidden under the doormat. I ran over and snatched it, quickly unlocked the door and ran as fast as I could up to Maya's room.
"Maya you tell me what wrong right now or I'll never go to school ever again." I said
"Honey, You have to go."
"MAYA YOU TELL ME WHATS WRONG. RING POWER" As soon as I said 'ring power' Maya's eyes began to water, and a tear shed as soon as her phone buzzed. I quickly ran over to grab hear phone off of her nightstand and read the text she had received

Maya, drink bleach you filthy animal. You disgust me. I bet your father left you because of how worthless he knew you'd be. Kill yourself.

As soon as I read the text, I ran over to the beautiful blonde to comfort her, but something still wasn't right. She looked pale, as if she had the life sucked right out of her. She got up and opened one of the drawers to her nightstand. She reached in and grabbed an empty pill bottle and lightly tossed it to me, her expression still not changing. I widened my eyes as I realized what was happening.
"Riles," she said weakly,"I'm so sorry for being such a bad friend to you throughout the years, and I want you to know that I'll never forget you."

"M-Maya," I said, tears flowing though my eyes, " please no... please don't... peaches... I... I love you peaches..." I reached down and lightly cupped her face with my hands and our lips connected for a quick moment. She passed out afterwards, but she was smiling. I quickly ran to get the phone and called over an ambulance, practically screaming her address into the phone.
     As soon as the ambulance came, Maya was lifted up onto a gurney leaving me to stand and watch. They let me ride in the back with Maya, to talk to her in case she could still hear me.

"Maya, I remember all the fun times we've shared, from when you set off the fire alarm, to when I tried to become a cheerleader but failed every year. We stuck by each other in every single memory we have, and this one... I am never leaving you side peaches. And I hope you don't choose to leave mine." I leaned my head on her chest and heart her heart beat abnormally, I wasn't sure whether it was me who did that or if it was the pills having an effect on her heart. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked at me sleepily, smiled lightly, and spoke words I will never forget
"Riles, I would never leave you, never in a million years. Wanna know why? because you're the sweetest person I have ever met, and I love you each and every single day. You are the reason why I am fighting the effects of the pills, you are the reason why I am still alive."
I love you, Peaches.

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