Yours Truly, Part three.

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Literally the most unreliable writer on wattpad hahah. Sorry bout that guys, I don't know what got in to me but I just had no inspiration to write. anyways, enjoy!

3rd person POV)
The world was spinning as Maya pushed the butt of her 5th cigarette down on the steel rails of the fire escape. Her face showed no emotion as she puffed out the last bit of smoke she'd been holding in. She had by then been thinking about nothing for the past 25 minutes and decided to visit her house one last time.
      It was about a 30 minute walk from Rileys house to her own, and Maya treasured every second of the peaceful walk. She still smelled like smoke, but she knew it would blend in well with the odors of her home. She tried twisting the knob of her front door but the hinges snapped, and the door fell over completely. She shrugged it off as if it were normal and trudged inside. She heard a grunt and, as if she'd expected it, she ducked down as a beer bottle soared above her head and smashed into a wall.
"What are you doing here? Worthless rat." her mom spat, clearly head-over-heels drunk. The words she spouted may have seemed extremely harsh to any passing pedestrian, but to Maya, they were totally normal. These are the kinds of nicknames she had grown up with. Not Sweetheart, not Peaches, not Honey. Heck, she was hardly called by her first name. No, she grew up with Worthless, No-Good, Lazy motherfucker, et cetera. Those are the nicknames she expected. Not just from her parents, but from everyone. In fact, when Maya met Riley she had been taken by surprise, for she was not used to the kindness Riley provided for her. She had no idea how to react so she stayed quiet. But Riley persisted. She kept trying to befriend the young blonde, and eventually, she got in.
That was the first time Maya ever got to feel love, or even just a gentle touch. Her parents would either hit her, or not touch her at all. Not a hug, not a good night kiss, not a thing. But Maya grew up with this. She didn't know what it was like to have a happy life, and until kindergarten when she met Riley, she thought that everyone's life was like this because she had no touch with the outside world until then.
"Katy, I've come to say goodbye. You will never see me again until the day I die, I don't want to be a part of this family any longer. You can tell that to Kermit, because I'm not repeating it. I had never known love until I was 6, and even then I didn't know how to react. I didn't know how to react to a simple hug, because you guys had ruined me so much, at such a young age. All I have left to say is, fuck you. Fuck you for ruining my childhood. Fuck you for all those times you've hurt me, physically and emotionally. Fuck you for making me believe I was supposed to be treated that way. And most of all, Fuck you for coming up with the idea of having a child just to abuse them. Fuck this life I live, fuck the life you live, fuck the life Kermit lives, fuck it all. I can't deal with this any longer, I don't need to deal with this any longer. Fuck it all." By now Maya's face was covered in tears and she was red as a tomato. Katy's expression went from angry, to slightly disappointed, to not caring at all.
"Maya Penelope Hart, leave now. You can try to take care of yourself. Nobody's gonna want to help such a helpless little rat like you." Katy spat.

"I already have help, their names all end in Matthews."
"I don't ever want to hear from you again until the day you die-"
"Don't you DARE set foot near my funeral."
"I want nothing to do with you, either. We already kicked your worthless ass out, so leave. You don't live here anymore. You're no Hart.
"I was never a Hart. I want nothing to do with the name." And with that, she spun on her heel and trotted towards the door. Seconds later, she felt a sharp pain on her back, and a loud laughter erupting from her mother. Turns out Katy had thrown another empty beer bottle, but she had broken the bottom first, making a sharp weapon to pierce Maya's skin. Her blood covered the door way and she ran. Faster than she had ever ran before. Her world was beginning to fall apart all over again. She approached Rileys bay window and she quickly scurried up the fire escape. She climbed in only to find Riley just a few inches away. Her eyes immediately filled with tears as she engulfed the blonde into a hug.
"Maya... who did this to you..." she said with a shaky breath
"I went back to my parents' house. It's my fault. I'll go wash up and we can just get back to our normal lives."
"Our normal lives? Oh you mean the  one where I'm clueless while you're suffering? No. Our lives are changing, now. We're going to live in a life where you don't have to hide your pain from me, because I know it hurts."
"Riley, I grew up hiding my pain. I'm used to it. I don't need anything to change. This is how my life was, and how it always will be. You don't have to pity me. I know you don't actually want to do ALL of this for me, I'm not worth any of it." And with that, she climbed out of the window and sat on the fire escape, just to calm herself down. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

End of part 3

Hey guys! Sorry for the 5 month wait for the next update! I have no good explanation for it, so let's just forget it happened aha... anyways, there's gonna be one last part to this one shot, and it's gonna be hella juicy. LEZGO. Oh and, thanks for 12k reads! I didn't think this book would get that far at all haha, thanks again guys! you're all amazing people and I love you all.

** Rilaya Oneshots **Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt