Yours Truly, the Finale

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Maya woke up completely oblivious to her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the fire escape. She didn't know much about the dark room she was in, but she knew it definitely wasn't the place she fell asleep. After a bit of shuffling she managed to get her feet on the floor without falling off the bed.
"M...Maya? Why are you awake? Its... 3:35 in the morning." Riley's soft voice immediately calmed her down.
Riley's room, I should've known.
"Oh I... uh what am I doing here?" Maya stumbled back into the bed next to Riley
"I was going to go out on the fire escape to watch the sunset, but you had already beaten me to it," She chuckled, "Well, sort of. You fell asleep against the rails, so I decided to carry you inside so you wouldn't have to sleep in that uncomfortable state. It was really cute, actually. You were all curled up into a ball and-" Riley immediately stopped herself mid-sentence as her face turned a bright shade of red.
Maya began to tear up. She didn't understand why Riley continued to love her. She should've run far away by now. Maya tried to wipe away the tears but more kept cascading her face. It was clear that Riley had noticed, because she gently wrapped her arm around Maya, pulling her close. Their bodies pressed together like two puzzle pieces. Would it be too cliché to say that it seemed as if they were made for each other? Because it really did, and they really were. Maya felt safe in Riley's arms, and Riley felt safe in Maya's arms. They could hold each other for hours on end without getting uncomfortable. Maya couldn't hold it in any longer. She slowly leaned up out of Riley's grasp so she could get a better look at the beautiful brunette. She cupped her chin with both of her hands and brought her face closer. If either of them were questioning their relationship with the other, now was the time they would find out. Maya brought Riley's face up to hers and gently kissed her soft lips. Both of their hearts began to race. This was the moment each of them had been waiting for since the very beginning. Since the moment Maya first climbed through Riley's window 8 years back.
"Stay. Please. Please promise me you will stay with me no matter what we go through. Please don't leave me. You're all I have left. I have been broken. Shattered. Ripped apart. But you've been with me through it all, putting me back together. I don't know what I would do without you. If you have no intention of staying with me, please tell me now. Save me from any more pain." By now she was in tears- they both were.
"Maya Hart, never in the last 8-9 years we've known each other have I ever thought of leaving you. You know why I've never given up trying to help you? Because, since the first time you came through my window, I've seen potential. I know you'll do great things in life. You're future is bright from here. As long as we stay together, nothing can tear us apart. You're mine, and I'm yours. Truly."

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