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hello! this is abby once more with yet another story. (i know, i need to go through holiday cleaning for my stories)

hopefully, this is a short story. and hopefully i complete it.

similar to my other short stories, i'm writing this all in lowercase. if it makes your head hurt, please leave :)

i have two other BRAND NEW stories that are just gleaming in their packages, eager to be read. however, i haven't finished writing the conclusions and unlike my old stories i will be writing the whole story before i publish it. don't want to look like a fool in public!

rules, as usual, apply to my story.

#1: we do not curse often. okay, we do, and by we i mean you and i. we're new found friends. and we shall not curse often in this story because of younger readers and my mom. i mean, i'm only joking. of course we'll curse. it's in our teenage blood. and if you're a young reader or my mom, i'm sorry.

#2: we will respect each other's opinions and not put down anyone. this story will be about a girl with a disorder, and when written in her point of view it might seem a bit jumpy because of how she's feeling.

#3: we will not laugh at abby's mistakes or foolish errors. grammatical problems, however, you should laugh at. i'm so dumb.

#4: we will not read this while you're supposed to be studying. go on, get your study on! you're supposed to be reading shakespeare, not my romance story!

#5: we will not steal this story idea. if i indeed find out this story was stolen from me and republished somewhere else without my permission or was copied, the stealer will get a safety scissor jammed into their throat. and i'm in medical, so trust that i'll know where your throat is.

also, the setting is my own creation. it's not an actual place in the world, so when you say something like "ohh california has no rain!!" shut the frick up. (hehe following rule one.) because the setting is not california, it is however close to california.

alright!! enjoy the story and please comment and vote and whatnot. i'm a thirsty hoe when it comes to popularity!!


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