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part nine.


unfortunately for our love story, the fair was not the only disappointing moment of near heartbreak we had.

we were excelled skaters, nic and i. nic was of course better since he was good in every sport in history.

we were fooling around in the private ice rink my father owned, complaining how it wasn't cold enough for the lakes to freeze over yet. we only had two lakes and a river in humming mills, anyway.

"okay, okay, if you could skate faster than a bee, where in the world would you visit?" he asked me, following me as i looped into a figure eight.

"well, there's a problem with that question. you see, the world is so large and i haven't even seen a small fraction of it. when i think of these fantastic things like if i should travel anywhere, i think i'd travel to where my heart belongs to."

nic nodded. he understood my sense of logic, and i loved that about him.

"yeah, well then obviously you wouldn't travel anywhere since your heart belongs to me." he joked, leaping into mid air with beautiful posture.

i laughed. "what's your favorite sport?"

he seemed shocked i would ask this, seeing as he thought i should know by now.

"well, obviously baseball. america's finest sport. plus, my ass is quite appealing after many years of pitching." he reasoned, making me blush.

"then again, whenever i play football my arms get really buff..."

"okay, stop bragging!" i pleaded, eyes bulging out of my cheek frame. he could tell i was easily aroused and began laughing.

"ah, i miss you, lou."

"but, i was never gone?"

"oh, yes you were."



fall rolled away from us and winter came. the lakes weren't frozen over yet, but lucy and i shared quiet moments with each other while ice skating.

she was so pretty dancing in snow, maybe prettier than when she pranced in the rain.

once the tragic fair event was over, lucy became more or less of her normal self. it's so peculiar dating her, since you never know what the mood of the day will be.

today, the quiet afternoon after skating, lucy and i sat with each other in her living room, just holding each other as closely as possible.

i could hear her faint breaths on me as she spoke. "have you decided what college you're attending next year?"

"i believe yale, if that's who my mother wants to call."

"okay." she sighed patiently.

"why, where are you going?"

"uh, well, i was thinking maybe oxford."

that was surprising, considering the panic attacks she gets when she even applies for a college. i couldn't imagine what stress she would go through halfway across the world.

"i...i was sorta hoping you'd join me." she interrupted my thoughts.

shocked, i looked at her head below me. "to oxford?"

"yeah! you know, it could be fun...and with your mother's connections and my father's wealth we could rule the world." she reasoned, lightly smiling.


"oh! if you don't want to, nic, it's fine. don't let me get in the way of your hopes and aspirations."

i struggled for the right words. "lou, i love you. if you want to go to oxford, let's do it."

"no, no! please, we can visit during winter break and show each other our beautiful colleges. i can visit you in yale and you can surprise me at oxford." the conversation was over, because lucy's voice became affirmative and harsh.

"anyway, christmas is nearing. anything is particular you wanted?" i tried stirring a new conversation.

she tapped her chin thoughtfully and glanced at the ceiling. her father had it specially painted to look like the stars. it was beautiful, just as good as michaelangelo's paintings and murals.

"all i want for christmas is you." she smiled widely. well, she took the opportunity and it worked out well.

i smirked. "okay, something you want me to buy?"

she answered dully, "...lemon ba..."

laughing at her incoherent words, i said, "okay, let me get you some lemons."

"no!" she looked strained as she said this. "i need lemon bath soap."


"because, because i can't ask my father to buy it."

frowning, i asked again, "why?"

"because...it's sorta sexy."

what does that even mean?

she explained, "it's more or less that sexy stuff you put on your body before intercourse. and it's bought online at this porn website, and well, it's not like i can show my father and ask him for thirty bucks."

my eyes widened and i blinked three times before replying, "you watch porn?"

she declined almost immediately. "are you insane?! i just wanted you to enjoy our next time..."

"oh. okay, i'll keep that in mind." I smiled assuringly although i most likely looked crazed.

soon later her father appeared by the front door and dismissed me after asking if i wanted to stay for dinner. i couldn't because i had to buy the bath soap before my mother came home.

as i drove home, my thoughts trailed and i couldn't help but keep thinking, why is lucy acting so aggressive?

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