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part eight.


"spaghetti my ass."

i declared it to a silent and asleep nicholas. he woke up from his spot on the couch, sitting up and prepared to face an intruder.

the idiot, why would he give me a spare key?

"lou!" he exclaimed, eager to hug me and kiss me. i held a hand up so he wouldn't embrace me or whatever.

this conversation was about to get nasty.



"you have thirty seconds to explain before i stomp on your face. and yes, i'm wearing muddy combat boots with spikes on your mother's white carpet. you can vacuum it, i presume." she snarled, her eyes pure venom. i could tell she was going through one of her mood swings, so i just nodded and hurriedly rushed over to where the tickets lay on the kitchen counter.

"you see, this is proof that the fair changed dates." i said quickly, shielding my eyes and looking at the carpet.

she didn't even track any mud in. her boots were barely dirty, and yet she just came from outside in the pouring rain. only lucy could be this gorgeous in the mud.

she studied the tickets closely before hugging me. "ooh, i love you, but you're totally mean."

"really? how am i mean?" i teased.

"because, you don't like when i suck your dick."


so, a filler. omg i just wrote fillet instead of filler for a moment and i laughed because when i tried fixing it, the word changed to goiller. whatever that is.

the story was supposed to be short but oh well. only a few chapters left, though.

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