Mingyu : The New Neighbor

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I pick up another heavy box and drag it to the elevator.

"Moving in is such a pain in the butt." I say to myself.

I stand in front of the elevator doors waiting for them open. It feels like I have been waiting for an eternity. The elevator doors open.

The people inside the elevator scatter out. I pick up the box and walk inside. A man walks in right after me.

"Good morning." I say.

"Do you need help?" He says.

"No, I'm fine." I say and smile at him. I look at his face. Woooooooah. I stand there and stare at his face.

"Um, you look like you're struggling. Are you sure I can't help you?" He asks.

"I'm good, thank you for asking though." The doors close.

"Which floor number are you going to?" He asks me.

"Floor number 5."

He presses button number 5. "Are you moving in today?" He asks.

"Yeah. I've been carrying boxes up and down for about 20 minutes." I say.

"Ah, is your apartment room number 3?" He says.

I hesitate. "Yes, it is. How'd you know?" I feel a tad bit creeped out.

"I got some news yesterday of someone moving into room 3. I'm in the room next to you, room 4." He says and slightly laughs.

"That's cool! So we'll be neighbors?" I say. He nods.

We continue our conversation until the elevator doors open again. I walk out first, then he walks out. I walk up to room 3 and put the box down. That was really heavy.

I take my keys out of my pocket and open the door. I push the box inside and close the door.

"Phew. A couple more boxes to go." I say.

"I can help you carry up your boxes if you want." The man says. I thought he left already.

"That'd be great if you could, but you're probably really busy." I say.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do for the next couple hours." He smiles.

"Also, my name is Mingyu. Welcome to building." He continues.

"Thank you, my name is Y/N." I smile.


Mingyu and I finish carrying up the boxes.

"Thank you so much. I would've taken ages to carry all of these up by myself. How can I repay you?" I ask.

"Ah, no need to repay. I just wanted you to feel welcome." He says.

"You worked so hard, though. You carried a ton more boxes than I did." I say.

"Okay, if you insist. How about," He pauses to think, "we can do something at my place. You can choose what you want to do."

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