The8 : My Partner

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"Okay, everyone listen!" The teacher says. All eyes are on the teacher.

"We will be doing a project. Your principal requested that each teacher will do a project based on the real world. You will each be assigned a partner and topic. The first pair of partners is..."

I listen to the teacher say the pairs of partners. I wait for my name to be announced.

"Y/N and Minghao (The8)." The teacher says.

I look over at Minghao and make eye contact with him. I smile and he looks away.

Minghao is extremely shy. Whenever someone tries to talk to him, he usually ignores you.

There's been rude things said about him like he's a jerk and things like that.

I've personally never talked to him before. I've always seen him around the halls.

"Meet up with your partner and work on your project! It's due next Wednesday." TJE teacher says.

Everyone gets up and goes to his or her partners.

I pick up my paper and pencil. I walk over to him.

"Hi Minghao!" I say and sit in the seat in front of him.

Our topic for this project was what it was like to be a teacher's assistant.

We both were allowed to go to an elementary school (of our choice) and help a teacher for the day.

"I'm really excited for this project. I've always wanted to become a teacher, but at the same time, I've always wanted to become a doctor." I say.

He looks up at me. Oops, I talked too much.

"Uh, didn't mean to get off topic. Um, what elementary school should we go to?" I ask.

I wasn't expecting him to answer me, but he says, "Is it okay if we go to my old elementary?"

"Yeah! When should we go?" I ask.

"Would tomorrow be okay?" He says.

When he said tomorrow, I was pretty shocked, but I didn't want him getting angry if I said no.

"Sure, tomorrow sounds good." I say.

The bell rings, signifying the end of class. I quickly get my books and leave the classroom.


I wait outside my school building. I told my mom about my project, she told me it was okay.

Minghao gave me his number after school yesterday. He sent me a text 10 minutes ago saying,

"Wait for me outside our school building."

I stand there and watch everyone walk pass me.

I wonder when he's going to come.

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