Dino : Beach Day

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I set down my towel and sit facing towards the beach. It is a beautiful day.

It is 98 degrees; the perfect temperature for the beach.

Dino, my best friend, and I decided to go to the beach today. I'm the first person to arrive.

I stare at the waves as they crash down onto the shore.

To my left, there is a group of kids playing in the shallow end of the water.

To my right, there is a couple holding hands as they walk into the water together. Without thinking, I smile.

I wonder if I'll ever be like that some day. I think to myself.


Approximately 30 minutes pass. Dino still has not arrived.

I let out a sigh. He rarely ever is on time.

I'll give him another 10 minutes. If he doesn't come, I'm leaving.


10 minutes pass.

"Alright, I'm leaving!" I say out loud. When I stand up, I hear a familiar voice.

"Not on my watch, missy!"

I turn around and see Dino. Under one arm, he has a towel. In the other arm, he has a giant teddy bear.

"I didn't think you'd show up," I smile. "What took you so long?"

"Traffic. Lots and lots of traffic. I have something to give you, though! I felt bad for being late." He says.

He hands me the giant teddy bear. It has a cute red bow on its ear.

"Thank you, Dino. I appreciate it." I let out a big smile. I think it's a very kind gesture, even if I have no interest in stuffed animals.

He smiles back. "Are you ready to go into the water now? It shouldn't be too cold." He says. I nod.

He thinks for a moment. "Are you going to go into the deep end today? It would be awesome if you did! You never go into the deep end, Y/N."

I never go in because I'm terrified of drowning. However, it would make him happy if I went in with him. What should I do?

Make a Choice

Go into the deep end :
Go To Section A

Stay in the shallow end :
Go To Section B


Section A
(Go into the deep end)

"Sure, I'll try it out. It can't be too bad, right?" I say, regretting my decision a bit.

"It's not bad at all! Stay close to me and I'll make sure you're safe." He says and smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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