Vernon : Pen Pals

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I walk into my room and put my book bag on the ground.

"It's finally the weekend!" I yell out loud. I am the only one home at the moment.

I sit on my bed and go on my social media.

As I scroll through my feed, I get a notification that catches my eye. I quickly click on it and read what it says.

"Say the name, Seventeen! Hello everyone, it's Vernon here! I want everyone to know that there will be a tiny contest. If you click on the link below this message you will be automatically entered in the contest! Only one winner will be chosen. The winner will receive my Kakao username and we will chat together! The winner will be revealed in one week. Good luck everyone!"

My heart beats fast.

I might actually have a chance to chat with Vernon!

Vernon is my bias in Seventeen. He is also my ultimate bias.

I click on the link. A page pops up that says, "You have just entered the contest! The winner will be revealed in one week. Good luck!"

I sit there and imagine what it would be like if I won the prize. This brings a smile to my face.

"Wait, there will be thousands of people entering the contest. The chance of me winning is basically a 1/1,000 chance. It's almost impossible for me to win it." I say and sigh.


[One Week Later]

I go inside my home and throw my book bag on the living room couch.

Today is the day. The day they reveal who won.

I go on my phone.

I get a notification that begins with, "It's time!"

I click on it and take a deep breath.

"It's time! We will now be revealing the winner of our contest! Thank you to everyone that participated in it. We had over 20,000 participants. Now for the big reveal! The winner is... @your.username! Congratulations! You have 2 days to claim your prize or it will be given out to someone else."

My eyes widen in shock.

"I won! I won the contest! I can actually chat with Vernon now!" I say.

I scream and jump at the same time. Happiness fills my body.

"The sooner I claim my prize, the faster I'll be able to chat with Vernon!" I say.

I go back onto my phone and claim my prize.

I receive his Kakao ID and message him right away.

{12/11 6:37 pm}
~Hello Vernon!
I am the winner of the contest
My name is Y/N
<insert cute cat emoticon>
Thank you so much for giving me this
privilege of being able to chat with you ^-^

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