Hoshi : The Basketball Player

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I walk around the park. There's many people here today.

I turn my head and see little kids playing tag. The girl got tagged.

She's trying to tag someone else.

She's not a fast runner, so she can't get anyone.

A boy, I'm guessing her friend, walks up to her and says, "You can tag me. I know you don't like being it."

"Thank you!" She says excitedly and tags him.

That's so adorable. I smile and continue looking forward.

Ah, I wonder if I'll ever meet that special someone. I think to myself.

Ahead of me is a basketball court. Some teenage boys are playing basketball. I watch them from a distance.

"Pass the ball to me Hoshi!"

The boy passes to his teammate, his name is most likely Hoshi. Hoshi catches the basketball and throws it into the basket. His teammates cheer.

I didn't realize that I was standing there and watching them. I was really close to the basketball course.

I should probably go back home now. My parents might be worried about me. I turn around and start walking.

"Hey! Watch out!" Someone says.

Huh? I turn around and see a basketball coming straight for my face.

The ball hits me and I fall backwards. I land straight on my butt.

I rub my forehead.

Ugh. That really hurt. All of the guys run towards me.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you think she passed out?"

"I think she's dead."

"She's obviously not dead Seungkwan."

I look up to see 5 guys looking directly at me.

"I'm okay..." I say and stand up.

"Your head is all red." Someone says.

"I'm fine, really." I say.

I see someone run up to us.

"I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean to hit you with the ball!" Someone says and bows.

Miss? I'm probably the same age as them.

"Hoshi she's probably the same age as us." One of them say.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, too!" Hoshi says.

"I"m okay. You didn't hurt me." I say.

"Your face is all red! Come with me, I'll get you an ice pack." Hoshi says and pulls on my arm.

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