Chapter 2

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Kidnapper's POV
"Ye-" She was about to finish but she blacked out.
"Shit." I mumbled, grabbing her arms and pulling her out from under her bed. I slowly sat her down on her bed and ran downstairs, I quickly grabbed a couple of trash bags and ran back up. I started shoving her clothes and all that stuff into the first bag and then all of her makeup and all that other stuff into the other bag. Once I was done I sat both of the bags on the bed. I quickly pulled out a pen and paper and wrote,
I took your daughter, she caught my eye. sorry but really, you need video cameras or something here. Goodbye. I quickly put the pen back into my pocket and grabbed the paper and went into the bathroom. I wet the paper and stuck it onto the mirror. Once I came out I saw that Danika was waking up.

Danika's POV
"Hello, I forgot to tell you what my name was, its Drake." He said sitting on the end of the bed. I sat up slowly and held my back in pain. I stared at him for a second then closed my eyes.
I really didn't care anymore, I had a bad life, I didn't like my family... by that I meant my mom... and I.... I don't know... I just wasn't... what's the word... ah, liked. That's the word. I wasn't liked.
I was depressed. I was a cutter. I tried to commit suicide once, ONLY ONCE. I'm bullied. I'm in pain. I think my heart has died. I don't feel the pain I should, it isn't there.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when 'Drake' started talking. "Am I going to have to do this the hard was? Or the easy way?" He said standing up. I took a deep breath and stood up grabbing the bedside picture and putting it in one of the bags. "Okay, the easy way." He said walking out of my room. I slowly followed him as I watched his feet walked along with mine. "I have my car in the garage. We can go that way." He said turning toward the hallway that leads to the garage. I shrugged and kept walking behind him. I had my thoughts on one thing, would my mom find me?
"Okay, get in." He said dragging me out of my thoughts again as he pushed me into the van. I was caught by another boy. "Okay Danny, Listen to what he says. You got it?" I nodded and sat on the other side of the van.
He said I had to listen, he never said I had to do what the boy said. I laughed a bit and the boy looked at me and said,
"Why are you laughing?" I just looked at him and said,
"Dlaczego mnie zabrać? Odpowiedzieć, że i ja odpowiem na twoje pytanie." I said smiling. Yup, I speak Polish, British, English, Sign Language, and a bit of Russian. I'm awesome like that. (A/N- she said '''why did you take me? You answer that, I will answer your question.''')
He looked at me and turned toward the front. "Drake?! She is speaking gibberish back here!" He yelled and the van stopped immediately and Drake parked the car and a few seconds later the back of the van flung open.
"What are you talking about?!" Drake said climbing in and shutting the door.
"I don't understand what she's saying..." The guy said.
"Say what you said exactly, all over again Danny." He said looking at me. I smiled and said,
"Why did you take me? You answer that, I will answer your question." I said smiling sticking my tongue out at the other guy.
"I will answer that later. And what was his question Danny?
"Why I was laughing..."
"Well then why were you laughing." I motioned him to come closer so I could whisper it in his ear. "Don't try anything wrong cause you wont make it, got it?" I nodded and he came closer.
"Because the other guy was being stupid. He made a funny face when you left." I said lying through my teeth. I chose to though. He moved back and looked at the other guy and glared at him. He got out of the van and started the van and we drove off. I soon dozed off about five minutes later.

I woke up still being in the van, 'Where the hell are we going?' I asked myself, never wanting to talk to them ever again. I looked around the back of the van and saw that Drake was back here instead of the other guy. I laid down and got as comfortable as I could and slowly fell back to sleep.

Drake's POV
I looked at her slowly as she laid back down in the back of the van. I cannot believe that she came easily with me. I don't want to hurt her, but I will if she does something bad. And I probably wont even do it, James will probably do it. (James' is the guy on top.)
"James. Are we almost there?" I said to him.
"Yup, bout' 5 mins."
"Okay, thanks." I looked at Danny and smiled. I looked at the inside of the van and waited until we were there.
"Okay, we're here." James said pulling up into the garage. I gently picked Danny up and walked inside. I quickly walked upstairs with her in my arms and set her in her room on her bed. 'I hope she likes her room....'
I quickly kissed her forehead and went downstairs leaving her door unlocked.

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