Chapter 5

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I believe they left but I wasn't sure. I didn't hear the door shut but I heard it open.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. I only saw the glass of water. I was pretty thirsty. I really didn't care anymore. If I threw up it would be on anyone but me.
I reached out and slow brought the glass of water back to myself and took a small sip. I closed my eyes while setting the glass down. I was in way too much pain to drink anymore. I again, fell asleep on the floor.

I quickly woke up once I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I saw a shadow since the door was not closed then I saw another one. It looked like a male and female.
'NO! I can't handle anymore.' I said in my mind. I was barely breathing and my whole body was in pain. If I moved even a bit I would feel like I was on fire. But the worst thing they could ever do would find out my fears. I only had one. And that was to drown. But they couldn't find that out, right?

I saw them come into the room. I was right it was a female and a male. But not just any old female and make it was Bai and Jack. They walked over to me and Jack sat down against the wall that I was next to and grabbed me by the sides. Before I could scream he jammed his hand over my mouth while he pulled me onto his lap with his other hand. He let of one of his hand. The one that pulled me over but kept a tight grip on my mouth. I just rested there. On his chest, ready to die.
Bai went over to the duffle bag, grabbed it and placed it in front of me. She sat down and opened it and started to pull things out.
A knife, lighter, duck tape, rope, etc... None of that scared me. I was used to knives. Lighters, my mom burned me. I used rope to slow the pain down. And I really could care less about the duck tape. It does nothing, all it could do is muffle screams in this situation. The situation of torturing me to get me to talk.
Every item she pulled out she would look at me. I would just have a straight face on. I could-care-less face.
She handed the knife to Jack who opened it up and held it to my wrist. I had no scars or cuts cause I haven't cut in a while. But I could still feel them. He pressed the knife to my skin and slid it down, it just made it light red. It didn't create blood. He slid it down again, this time harder and it created a tiny bit or blood. Not much though. The third time he pressed it on a vein and slid it down again, I winced a bit but the pain soon subsided and filled with calmness as I saw the soothing crimson color run down my skin.
A few minutes later my arm was still bleeding but Bai told Jack to hold my other arm so I could feel the pain of something. I forgot. But now I was struggling, I couldn't feel anything but the pain in my arm. And my head kept saying 'pressure! Pressure!' I had to put pressure on it. If it doesn't stop I wouldn't be able to stop it. Ever.
I opened my mouth to scream let me go. But nothing came out. I was loosing a lot of blood. I was dizzy and I couldn't think straight. I saw Bai's lips moving and my arm was finally free. The first thing I could do was fall. I fell onto my side and I put pressure on the wound. I think I lost way too much cause it wasn't helping.
I opened my mouth again but again nothing came out. I looked at both of them and they just got up and left. I laid on the ground for a while then I saw the door open and close. It wasn't them, it was Drake. He looked at me then ran at me and grabbed the duffle bag and unzipped a pocket. He pulled something out and picked me up. He walked more like ran to the bathroom and quickly got me cleaned up and bandaged. I was a bit better. But not much. I defiantly couldn't stand or walk on my own. I looked at Drake and he said,
"You should talk. This is going to get worse."
"What's worse then almost dying then living with 4 boy devils, one girl devil then a secret angel? I wanted to die. Let me die next time."
"No can do princess. Even if I am a secret angel."
I nudged him and got down from the counter only to be picked up again. "Let me walk at least." I knew I couldn't but I wanted to try.
He shook his head and walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom and placed me gently on my bed. I smiled softly at him.
"Thank you Angel."
"Shh." He said kissing my head. He started walking away but i quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at him and he stopped. "Yes? You threw?" He said picking up the pillow. I patted the bed and he smiled and came back and sat on the bed. "Yes?"
"Stay with me? If you want to."
"Sure." He made his way around to the other side and laid on top of the covers with me tucked underneath and he pulled me in close as if he were going to lose me.
"I'm not going anywhere." I said smiling.
"Good, cause I'm not letting you." He said kissing my forehead again.

I woke up to being next to drake. "Drake?"
"It's morining." I said shaking him.
"Okay. Well... you might like this." He said sitting up next to me.
"What might I like?"
"I'm your personal helper until you get better. Bai set me up to take care of you until you get better." I smiled and hugged him. "You know that will hurt when your off of the meds right?" he said whispering in my ear.
"Shut up and just hug me." He hugged me back and got up.

"Okay i need to check your wounds before you can do anything so..." He said grabbing the duffle bag and getting the first aid kit out. He quickly cleaned and wrapped up my wounds and layed back down next to me.
"So... Do you want to tell me anything about yourself?"
"Only if you do the same."
"Deal." He said sticking his hand out. I shook it.
"You go first."
"Okay. Um... Favorite color?"
"No baby colors." I said pointing to my all black clothes.
"Okay okay." "Um... Favorite food?"
"Veggie Burger." "My turn! Um.... Favorite movie?"
"Easy, Jaws."
"Jaws 2 was way better."
"Whatever. Um... Favorite drink?"
"Um... Diet coke... whats your talent?"
"as in music?" I nodded. "Um... Guitar and singing." "My turn. Your talent?"
"Singing..." I mumbled.
"Singing... hum.. cool." I rolled my eyes at him. "Why are you asking me these stupid questions?"
"Because." He said and asked the worst question ever, "Whats your story, all of it."
"No! I'm not telling you that!" I said quickly getting up and running into the corner, despite the burning pain going through my body.

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