Chapter 8

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Danny's POV
I kept banging on the door, "Bai!!!!" I yelled at her through the door, hoping she would come back. I kept banging. My hands hurt a lot. I looked down and saw that my hands were bruised. "great" I whispered and rolled my eyes. I looked back at the door and yelled one last time while banging on the door harder, "BAI!" my voice cracked but I heard footsteps this time and they stopped in front of my door. i looked up and saw the handle on the door jiggle and i backed up as the door opened.
"You called?" she asked.
"P-" I tried to say but i couldn't talk. I opened my mouth and tried to talk again. I looked at her and she just stood there laying against the doorway smirking.
She pushed herself off the doorway and walks over to me. I sat there slightly shaking. She bends down and whispers in my ear, "no one can hear you now." and backs up. my heart beat speeds up and i quickly move into the corner. She walks over to the restroom and i hear the bathtub slowly fill up as she walks out.
I open my mouth to scream for someone, anyone. But nothing comes out and i hear her laugh.
"It isn't going to work." she says coming up to me. I start to shake a lot more. "I just want to ask you a question. What happened in your past" she said smiling. My shaking stopped, I can control some of it. My breathing deepened and i got up and grabbed her hair. She smiled as she kicked my knee cap. I hissed as i went down. I got up as fast as i could and punched her in the gut. She grinned as she grabbed me arm and twisted it behind my back. She quickly put pressure on it to make it go further up my back. my vision blurred a bit and i stumbled. "No you don't" she said putting more pressure on my arm. I arched my back quickly which was a horrible idea because i just ended up falling onto my knees.
I quickly heard the boys run up the stairs and in a few seconds they were all staring at me and Bai.

"What happened" Drake asked looking from me to Bai.
"Nothing. I need on of you besides Drake to help me." She said wrapping one of her arms around my neck and began to choke me. I couldn't say anything. But i still tried. I didn't have much air in my lungs.
"Bai, please stop. shes choking." Drake asked.
"Whatever. Liam, you stay and everyone else, out." She said putting more pressure. and finally i started to claw at her hands, trying to get air.
Once they were all out and Liam sat on the bed after he locked the door. Bai dropped me on the ground. I went down onto my hands and knees but then she kicked my side making me lay flat. I took in very big deep breathes trying to get my air back.
"One moment Liam, watch her." she said going into the bathroom and i heard the water going off. she came back out.
"What did you need Bai?" he asked standing up.
"Lesson two." She said smiling and picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. She had Liam pick me up and put me into the water in the bathtub. I just stayed there, I was done. I slowly closed my eyes as I saw Bai walk over to me.
I felt someone grab onto my legs and someone onto my neck and i was quickly pushed under the water.

'Wait i didn't take a breath!' I yelled in my mind. I quickly clawed at the hand that was around my neck but was soon running out of energy very quickly. After a few seconds I let my hands slowly drop and I was quickly brought up.
"See how easy that was, not so hard." She said pushing me under again. This time i took in water.
I clawed A LOT this time. I didn't stop.
"Stop she's not going to make it." I heard a mans voice say muffled; probably about the water. I was quickly pulled out of the water and laid on the cold ground. I kept my eyes shut but I coughed up water. I laid down slowly on the ground when i was done coughing. ​
I was so tired.
"Hey, no you don't." I think Bai said making me stay awake. I just kept my gaze away from them.
"I think you did it." I believe Liam said to Bai. I could tell she was smiling.
"I believe I did." She said standing up. "Liam, please carry her to her bed." and she left. He stood up and reached down and picked me up slowly. I cowered away from him trying to get away from him, but it didn't really work well. He came down to my ear and whispered,
"Its okay, she's gone." How was that supposed to help me?! Whatever. I closed my eyes and leaned into him way to tired to fight. I slowly felt my body being set onto the bed and the covers going over me. I heard someone walk out and shut the door. No lock, but right now i didn't care. I hurt way to much. No my fear of water is back worse than it ever was. I slowly fell asleep.

i slowly woke up and turned around. "Ugh!" I mumbled loudly.
"I know you are awake but some people are still trying to sleep." Someone said next to me. I quickly jumped out of bed and fell onto the bed. "Ouch. That's gonna hurt." The person said.
i looked up to see Parker. I rolled my eyes and slowly got up off the floor. "Why are you in here? Better yet why are you on the foot of the bed!?" I asked raising my voice at the end.

"Because it is comfy. and you kick in your sleep." He said helping me up.
"I know I do." I said letting him help me up.

"Can you please leave?" I asked him sitting back down on the bed.
"Why?" he asked, I didn't know why I wanted him to leave. I just kind of did....
"um.... just cause..."
"And do you have a reason?" I glared at him and got up. "Okay, miss bossy." He said putting his hands up and walking to the door. "Don't blame me for not staying when someone comes in here." He said going out and locking the door.

I took a deep breath and laid back down on the bed and slowly feel asleep.

I woke up to someone AGAIN on the foot of my bed and I kicked them before I looked. "Parker! Get out!" I said kicking him again.
"What if it isn't Parker?" A girls voice said. I shot up and looked in front of me and it was Bai.
"um......" I said and looked down.
"Yeah, um...." She said throwing something at me. I picked it up and it was a bag. I opened it and there was food. I looked up and smiled quickly and started eating.
I quickly finished and placed the trash in the bag and put the bag next to me. Then quickly looked up to see Bai was still staring at me.
"Thank you." I quickly said and looked down. She still scared me.
"You're welcome." She said still sitting there.
"Is something wrong?" I asked quickly looking up.

"Is something wrong?" I asked quickly looking up.
"No... nothings wrong. Just one question, aren't you cold?" I was confused as to why I would be cold and then she added, "Your clothes...." And pointed to my soaking wet clothes. I didn't even notice. I shrugged and looked back down.
"One moment." She said and left, locking the door behind her. About 10 minutes later she came back in with a duffle bag and tossed it to me. "Go ahead." She said pointing to the bag on my lap. I unzipped the bag and looked in, there was a white tank top, a grey sweater, blue jeans, some socks and a pair of uggs.
I looked up and smiled and quickly said, "Thank you." and she told me to change. I quickly changed and came back out with my wet clothes in my hands. I placed them on the duffle bag and sat on the bed.
"Danika?" I barely heard it so I didn't pay attention to it. "Danika?" I heard again but this time louder and I felt someone pushing on my shoulder.
"Hum..." I said turning to Bai. She had a worried expression on her face.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay..."
"Whatever." she said sitting down next to me on the bed. I looked down and stared at my hands.
"Hey..... Danika?" I heard again and then was shaked.
"Yeah..." I said slowly looking at her.
"Danika, are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah..." I said slowly laying down.
"Danika? Are you positive? You aren't looking so good."

I slowly woke up to someone shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes to a worried Bai. "You're okay. Good." She said calming down. I didn't know what happened. But I didn't want to. "You are okay, right?" She asked looking at me again. I looked up at her and nodded. I wasn't going to talk to anyone. Anyways I was still really tired.

I slowly fell down onto the bed and she left looking back a few times. I slowly closed my eyes and I was out like a light.
"Danny? Danny time to wake up..." I heard and I moaned rolling over. I had a dream when I was home and I was playing my guitar with my friend.
I forgot how small the couch was and I rolled off and fell onto the hard ground.
"Ouch. That outta hurt." Someone said. It was a girls voice, but it wasn't Bai's voice. I quickly lifted my head and backed up against the wall. It was a girl. Yet, I haven't seen her in my life: .
"Are you okay?" She asked walking towards me.
"Who are you?..." I asked ignoring her question.
"Oh sorry... My name is Madison Holmes." She said holding out her hand for me to shake.
"Why are you here?"
"Oh, sorry again. I got locked in here and I woke up right over there...." She said pointing to the corner next to my bed. "So what is your name...?" She asked.
"Danny..." I said quietly. She smiled and attempted to sit next to me but I just moved away.
"Sorry, I... I..."
"It's fine. I'm sorry. I just... don't like being touched or having people near me... Sorry." I said moving over to my 'bed' and laying down...

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