Chapter 10.

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I drove all night. I didn't stop except when I needed gas and other necessities. I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I just drove. The wind was brutal the further north I went, but it didn't bother me too much. I just needed to get home.

The whole drive my mind was racing. What happened? What did My mom mean? surely Daniel couldn't have... I never got that vibe from him. But that shouting... Why would my mom call me like that otherwise? She never tells me to come home, and she never begs. Not like that. Something was very off, and I needed to take car of whatever it was.

Street light after street light went by, all seeming to blur together. I focused easily on the drive and my surroundings, but the closer I got to home, the harder my blood started pumping.

Finally. I pulled into my driveway and jerked the bike to a halt. I barely turned it off before I quickly got to the front door and started banging on it. A couple lights turned on in the hall and then I heard the door locked jiggle. Daniel greater me at the door, I saw surprise on his face and he guardedly stepped back to let me in.

"Archer, I didn't know you were coming to visit this weekend. Isn't school still in?" He asked, shutting the door behind me. I didn't answer, I only looked around the room, surveying the area. Something was definitely off.

"Where's my mom?" I questioned, my eyes glancing around the too tidy living room, bouncing off the things that were in place and straightened up. When he didn't answer right away, I turned and looked at him, seeing him clean his reading glasses. Why was he wearing those this late at night? Then my eyes located slight redness on his hand.

"She's here. She's in the bathroom." He nodded his head towards the hall.

I nodded my head and quickly went down that way. When I got to the door I froze. There was dents on it. I tried to keep my expression neutral and I carefully scanned the door, looking at the doorframe as well and noticing it looked like it was banged on a whole heck of a lot.

When I heard foot steps a roaching, I lifted my hand and lightly rapped my knuckles on the door, calling out to my mom. I heard a small startled noise come from behind and then her shaky voice answering back.

"Mom it's me," I said again.

"Archer..." She opened the door a crack and what I saw made my blood boil.

Her cheek was slightly red, not fresh red, but enough. Her eyes were rimmed with red and tiredness, relief flooding them when she looked at me. I looked down slightly and saw purple fingerprints on her forearm.

Quickly, I turned to Daniel, who was stupidly standing three feet from me with his arms crossed over his chest, grabbed his shirts collar. An alarmed look crossed his face, but also one of dread and knowingness.

I punched him.

He started to stumble back, but I was still holding him up and I brought him back to his feet before punching him again, this time letting him fall to the ground.

"You Bastard, I warned you." I growled out, bout to raise my foot but he scrambled away on the floor.

"Now hold on just a minute," He shouted. "I didn't mean it. It was-" I let my foot hit his stomach, causing him to cough and lose his breath.

"Don't you dare!" I almost shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. "I told you, I warned you. You hurt my mom, you deal with me."

"It isn't like that, get your head out of your butt boy!" He spat, pushing himself to his feet. I got in front of him and grabbed his shirt collar again, forcing him to stay lower than me.

"I'm no boy. And I don't want to hear you pathetic excuses." I threatened in a low voice, then pushed him back and out of the hall. "Get out. Now."

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