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I heard a melodic giggle and my eyes snapped towards the source, landing on a Black haired beauty who was looking at me from across the room. Her green eyes sparkled with mischievousness as she knew she had caught my attention. I shook my head, a smile threatening to show itself from the corner of my lips, then looked back towards the front of the classroom. It wasn't that interesting to say in the least, the professor who was 'teaching' this class was a sub and didn't know what we were studying or what exasctly we were supposed to be doing, so he just started his own subject, claiming that it was more of an information lecture than anything else. t

That's home room for you. I sighed.

I heard another giggle and my eyes once again found the source, I could see her peeping at me from the corner of her eyes, though this time she stayed facing the front of the room. This girl was something else.

After another few more minutes of the boring lecture, I decided to skip class. I had some of the highest grades in the school, and it wasn't like this would dent my record at all, especially since there wouldn't be on any sort of test to this class. Not bothering to raise my hand, I stood up with my bag and walked down towards the front of the room, heading for the door. 

"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?" The sub asked me, I turned and looked at him with a sarcastic smirk.

"The library, I have a test to study for." I lied without even blinking, something that I learned to do easily and how now become like second nature. It could usually get me out of anything.

'A-alright, as long as you let the librarian know you'll-" I didn't let the old man finish before I left the room. 

I made my way down the hallway and out of the school, then quickly jumped behind the doors as they closed and waited. As I knew would happen, not even a minute later they opened again and I reached my arms around, grabbing her around her tiny waist and lifted her into the air.

"Ah! hahaha," She laughed and squirmed.

"Got you." I whispered with a smirk on my face before setting her her down. She turned around to face me and her piercing green eyes were dancing with delight. "Skipping class again Sweetheart? I think I'm becoming a bad influence on you." I teased.

"Shut up! As long as my brother doesn't find out, everything is all good," she smiled. "I want ice cream anyway, and what kind of best friend would you be if you didn't walk me down to the stand to get some?" She winked. 

"Not a very good one I suppose, but ice cream for breakfast?" I chuckled, shaking my head at her. "And to think, a year ago before we finally met, you wouldn't have been caught dead skipping class. Ms. Sophomore class president." 

"Probably not, but at least I don't have the bad rep." She rolled her eyes, joking around. Then her eyes seemed to sparkle again and suddenly she stopped in place. "Race you!" She called then started to sprint off.

I called her a cheater as she got a head started on me, then rushed out after her, chasing her down the side walk with both of us laughing. My legs pumped, but I was hardly pushing myself, knowing that I could easily beat her if I wanted to. I laughed slightly as I watched my best friend run and run, a gleeful smile on her face, one that hadn't been there that often when we first met. She's a year younger than me, but it didn't matter to me.

I remebr how she came to me a few week's after we became friends and said her brother told her to stay away form me, that I would only bring trouble.  He even cronfronted me himself about it a week later when she still dind't listen.

I was prepaired for her to leave, just like everybody else, but she stayed by my side. Even when I would get in trouble, if she could get me out, she would with no hesitation. It didn't matter to me that she couldn't be seen haning out with me for purposes of her family, I was just glad I to have someone close, someone to talk to. We grew more inseperable the longer we spent together, harder for me to want to stay away from her, though I kept my distance, knowing it would benifit her.

I watched now, as my bestfriend skirted along the sidewalk, running her way towards the sugary treats that awaited us. I caught it out of the corner of my eye, something I didn't know she would see or not in her hurry to beat me. 

I yelled out her name in pannic, hoping to get her attention and make her stop. Though she was alrady at the edge of the street when she heard me, I saw her slow down as I picked up my pase, hoping to get her to move. Adrennaline pumped through me as I looked over and saw that the driver wasn't even paying attention at all, looking down at something in their lap. I pushed harder, my heart rate skyrocketing along with the addrennaline, making my legs go faster and I reached her just as she stopped in the middle of the road.

It was like slow motion.

My stomach droped as things flashed through my head, then I jumped, arms out and reaching towards her.

Everyitng went by in a blur after that, all I could remeber before the sirens arrived was the distinct sound of her head hitting the concrete. 

A couple hours went by and I still hadn't heard a thing, I left the waiting room and went to go search for her, when I ran into her brother. 'I told you to stay away from her, I knew nothing good could from hanging out with you. Now look what's hapned!' I remeber him shouting. 'Get out of here!'

I couldn't leave fast enough. My heart was aching worse than any bruises or scrapes. This was something that wouldn't ever go away, no matter how hard I tried to make it leave, no matter how many tears I wanted to cry.

I lost my best friend that day. And that's something that doens't ever leave you.


yay! Well? what did you think?

Need's a litle work, but I think i'm going to continue on with this one!

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