Chapter 11

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I pulled up back to the school and parked the bike, tired from the ride. I didn't get off it, just took my helmet off and sat there for a bit, letting my chin rest on my chest. The whole way back here I had thought about it, about what my mom said, about what betty said, they were both right. I had pretty much told her already, only thing left to do was to see if she would ignore me, or to see if she would want answers. I could always trap her on her way to class and tell her, much like I used to stop her in the hallways in high school, but I don't think she would take to well to that should she really be avoiding me.

I sighed. 

Getting off the bike, buckled the helmet in and made my way towards the dorms. The sky was darkening slightly, making a nice pink sky on the horizon. I was too tired to care though. I just wanted my bed. 

Right when I turn the corner to the dorm, I see Isla on the steps. I frown slightly and look at her, wondering what she was doing here. Her eye's turned and caught mine and she smiled sweetly, standing up and walking over.

"Hey, you." She greeted me.

"Hey," I offered back, coming to a stop right in front of me.

"We ready then?" She asked and my mind immediately started whirling. 

"For..." I clear my throat. "For what?" My eyes must have been wide and confused because of her next response.

"You forgot?" She asked, her voice light. A little sad, but innocent. Then it hit me.

"My god... I'm so sorry, Isla." I ran my hand down my face. "Something came up, I was gone, I didn't get back till just now." I hurriedly said.

"Oh, it's okay. We don't have to do anything today... you're alright at least? you look a little tired." She said, a sad tone still in her voice, but also concern. I could see her trying to cover it up i her eyes.

"It's not okay. I'm sorry," I shook my head at myself. "give me a sec, i'll be back down and we can go." 

"No it's fine. You are obviously tired. You don't have to take me out tonight, we can push it off till you're up to it." She smiled. "I would hate for you to have to go all the way upstairs and change, besides, it doesn't even look like you're up to water activities." she giggled through her rambling.

"Come up then?" I offered. "Water tomorrow?" 

"Sure." She hesitated for a second to answer, but blushed nodded her head after. 

We walked inside and rode the lift, miraculously catching it when we walked in, instead of having to wait almost twenty minutes for it. Isla was talking to me about her classes yesterday and a prank someone decided to pull on the way up the lift, it was a nice fill of silence. A good distraction from my heavy thoughts the whole drive.

I jiggled the key in the lock to open the door and then let Isla go in first. I was surprised when I walked in to find the place clean, no beer bottles anywhere, and no sight of my partying/gaming roommates. I gave the room a once over impressed look and then went into the kitchen. I told her I was making dinner, then filled a couple glasses of water and set to work. It was uneasy dish really, didn't take long, and it's college budget approved too. 

I threw some Garlic, Ginger and various other seasonings with soy sauce in a bowl, then started boiling some water. While waiting, I decided to not look over at Isla, even though I could feel her eyes on me. I just smiled lightly to myself and set back to back on the skillet, heating up some veggies and mushrooms, seasoned them, then scrambled an egg with it. When the water started boiling, I added the ramen, let it cook, then added it to the veggies and mixed the sauce I made in. By the time I plated it and handed Isla her share, she was looking at me with her eyebrows high, an impressed look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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