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Archer Brighton had lost his best friend only a year after they met. As strange as it was, they became friends easily, something that didn’t occur with Archer. After his loss, Archer became more distant at school. He would distract himself in anyway possible (through school and girls mostly) to get his mind off the painful memories. 

After choices arise, Archer finally had the chance to go away to college. It would be his only escape from the life he knew  he couldn’t bare to live in his hometown anymore, the one with the memories. He thought it would all be great from there, then there was HER, a girl that every time he saw her, she reminded him of his long gone best friend, turning his once sanctuary into another hellish place for him to just suck up and bare. 

Will he be able to last? Will he be able to move on at the place he thought would be able to help?

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