The First Time

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    Betrayal is the only truth that stays -Arthur Miller 


My mouth was enjoying the taste of sour cream flavor of chips and my eyes were peering at my laptop, I had a slight frown on my eyebrows and it became so prominent when Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett vanished in the bright light. Oh shit! No way in hell! My heart felt heavy, how could they kill off Damon, my baby Damon, How? The season  ended, I closed my laptop and wanted to bury Julie Plec but somewhere deep down inside I knew that Damon would come back. Because, for me there was no TVD without Damon.

"Hey, are you busy?" I looked over to door and saw Irene standing in her night clothes.

"No-" I said, I tried to share my pain of losing Damon but I stopped myself, she wasn't my friend. I used to be close to Kate who used to get pissed whenever I used to start discussing Vampire Diaries.

"Can" Irene asked, her icy gaze carried expectations and a mystery. I bit my lip, my mind wandered for clues. Why did she wanna talk to me?

"Um, sure." I responded, she came in and then her nose wrinkled and she shook her head smilingly seeing my messy room. Those empty canes, pizza boxes and chips wrappers were every where. A glance of 'Nevermind' was from me to her and then she rested herself beside me on my bed.

"So, how are you doing? I mean, tomorrow you're going to get married?" I asked Irene, her eyes immediately lost its glow. Her lips pursed, giving me a look of disappointment, maybe?

"I am doing great, yeah It is my marriage tomorrow." Irene hesitatingly responded, even though her response was nothing but a twisted version of my question. Her eyes wandered on me for a bit longer than usual.

"Well, I want to talk. I mean, not any kind of serious but just you know, I...I sort of...I mean-" Irene was blurting out words and I was just trying my best to put the pieces together. I shook my head, cutting her off.

"What happened? What do you mean?" I asked, confused. My eyes showed concern, she never stuttered in her entire life, her confidence level was always boosted so that moment when she was out of words, I didn't get a good feeling.

"When yesterday, Katerina asked that why did you like writing so you responded that it made you feel worthy. I just wanted to clear your misconception that we don't care about you. Or we don't understand your worth, because we do. Mother and I, we all do." From where did that come from and why? I grunted, I rolled my eyes at her, why all of sudden I was becoming so important part of that family, even though all those years I was treated like I was a curse or burden on entire Anderson family.

"Irene, you're getting married, you're leaving this house that is why you're trying to make me feel good, right? Or is there something else? Because I am not used to of you or mum becoming a bit caring or giving me importance. I am happy the way I am or I can say that I try to be happy. You know, I don't hate you, I respect you so I am saying this to you kindly that please don't discuss this with me. You know you're lying-"

Irene tried to cut me off, tried her best to make me feel like I'd been worshipped by that family even though I wasn't. "Scarlet, we are not good at expressing our love-"

I interrupted her, my heart sank, there was nothing inside me, I felt alone even though she was constantly trying to make me feel good. I was empty, I never showed but I was. The pain of being not loved and left out consumed me and it hurt me so bad, and it hurt me till I was numb to that haunting feeling. But it still used to hurt me whenever someone used to remind me about those emptiness of my life or I used to do it by myself.

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