Ounce of Strength

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Hopelessness is a state when you're handcuffed and your strength resides deep down inside the ocean, too far away from your reach. -Me



John was unlocking his car, we were outside the Anderson mansion, Irene along with my parents accompanied us to the door but the surprising and heartbreaking part was that, he was gone.

Caleb already left with his car in which I came from church to attend the freaking reception party, Katerina glanced at me with impair feelings inside them, it seemed like she was really ashamed of her son's behavior. But she managed to crook a weak smile and called out for me, as I was stood some steps away from their car. "Come, Scarlet. Leave with us to your new home."

New home? Literally, in my entire life, I never had such kind of feeling of having a home and she expected me to accept her home mine. For me home was always a place where one could feel comfort instead of remorse, where one could do anything to make their family happy rather than making their life hell, where one could get love always and forever instead of hatred and ignorance, so basically her home wasn't going to be my home for sure.

No one was going to comfort me there too, no one was going to do anything for my smile there too, no one was going to give me love there too, like always.

I managed to take those steps towards her and away from mansion, where I was living with pure abhor. I hopped inside the car and as John started the engine, my weak, quiet and disrelish heartbeats started to dissipate and I felt like I was  swallowed by darkness of pain.

The cool breeze fanned across my face, leaving sensations of unknown tingles. I felt myself consumed by it, I felt like it was something worth it. But how could the situations happening in my life worthy enough for me? It had nothing that could benefit me or at least that couldn't hurt me. The affliction that I was going to feel for six months wasn't something worthy enough for me.

I tried to be strong in my entire life, I didn't let the horrifying hatred towards me break me into pieces but I was losing motivation, I was losing each ounce of strength I had. I wasn't able to prepare myself for those six months, I left it on God. He was the only one who could give me what I wanted; patience and strength to never break down.

We reached there after a quiet drive, Katerina and John didn't engage in any conversation with themselves or me.

I looked outside the window, there was huge mansion like Anderson's one was there, from outside it looked perfect but the vibe of loneliness was so lucid. It didn't seem like a home. It seemed like a building only, built by world class architectures. With no scent of love around it.

Why do I never get a home with love? Why? I groaned in my mind, knowing that the moment I was going to step in that house, I would have to bear the hatred of Caleb.

We got out of the car, Katerina and John were by my side, Guards opened the giant grill and I felt the smell of beautiful flowers filling my nostrils. There was a huge garden outside the mansion, which was darkened by night.

The house was silent, John unlocked the door and we got inside the house finally. I wondered about Caleb's whereabouts.

I stepped in an elegant hall, having dim white lights, the glimmers of the light were enough to enlightened the huge hall. The sofa set in the middle of hall having beautiful covers and a rug in between, with a perfect glass table in the center. There was a staircase to the left that leaded to several rooms I guessed, and then there were glass doors in the hall leading to different places too. The huge windows were hooded by royal blue curtains and there were beautiful antiques that caught my attention, resting on side tables.

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