The awkwardness | After three days

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Guys do read "Mafia's Beautiful Silence" too, you will love it. And I would really appreciate. And thanks for all the support, here you go...

Scarlet's P.O.V:

Sadness is not always a curse, it can sometimes be known as a bump in a smooth journey, but it is only that temporary bump for those people who dream and have hopes but for me, sadness was becoming a curse as I was keeping no hopes for betterment, for brightness in my dark life.

I was not able to sleep after I got to know about the great revelation about the killers of my birth mum, let alone dream.

Aside from despair, sadness, affliction and other messed up emotions, I had that one question in my mind about Caleb that was disturbing me, shocking me whenever I thought about it, made me divert my mind, my heart both from the pain that I had. But since last three days, I didn't dare to question Caleb about it.

Because I didn't want to know him, or to be precise, I couldn't afford to know him, because the glint of goodness he had was already driving me crazy and I couldn't afford to know the entire him which could make me fall...fall for his soul. Dealing with my own pain wasn't the only thing that kept me occupied since last three days but also fighting the urge to question Caleb was another hard work for me.

Past three days went like a wind for Caleb, I guess so, but for me, they were like three bloody centuries, three days ago, Caleb told me the truth that was hidden under layers of lies and betrayals, and I didn't take it well, well who could?

As much as I tried to keep my pain, my suffering to myself, Caleb being Caleb-the stubborn one, kept interfering, like when I did not want to eat, he kept pushing the tray to my face, and when I kept that annoying dish in front of me, signaling him that I'd eat, he sat in front of me to see me do that. And when I started eating, he was there to criticize my speed, and when I started to eat at normal human pace, he started to criticize the amount of food I consumed and forced me to eat more until he was himself tired of being my watchman.

Then when I did not want to stay off the bed and stop the strings of warm tears, he brought iron from somewhere and forced me to iron his clothes, do you even feel how much vexing he was towards me? He had servants to do that but of all those poor people, he chose the poorest of all-me. Well, that trick worked for sometime as I stopped pouring unnecessary water from my eyes and kept ranting about how much cruel and stupid he was being while ironing his clothes.

Then when he figured out that he was going to office and I would not go to downstairs as my newly found and valid hatred for his parents could make me kill them, he asked me-no! He ordered me to complete his files which his personal poor assistant could do, but no, he had to be pain in my back.

Those huge, beast like files were a good way to get off my mind from those repeated haunted thoughts that were burning my blood, but you know when I lost my cool, Yesterday I lost my calmness,when I saw my killer dad's name on his business associates list, and each and every ounce of patience I had was lost when I noticed that for past thirteen years, Anderson enterprises and Pierce's company have been business partners in seven deals which brought them so much profit.

John and my dad, those two bastards. Their names and their friendship and trust was easily showcased through those data collections, I stopped working. I threw those files, those papers were flying in my room, floating from one corner to other, not that I cared anyways.

But since that moment from the day before that day, I had not been responding to Caleb's weird attempts to make me divert my mind, when the previous evening he came back from office and saw the condition of our room, all dolled up with papers, he immediately frown and gritted his teeth, I could see that from my teary eyes. His jaw clenched, his hands out of his pockets and curled into fists. The partially slumped and tired figure of his immediately tensed up and from the first paper that was laying near his shoe, he started picking those papers and continued until the last one which was near my bed.

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