The Words-The Truth

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My story 'Mafia's Beautiful Silence' is posted now, please do check out. You'll like it.


Sometimes some words hurt you more than anything, they hold a power that can crush you in one second. They have an impact that can make you realize so many aspects. Words. They can be your angels and they can be your devils too. They can brighten your life and they can burn your life too.

Most of the bitter words hold the truth. Because not all truths can be confessions of full of colors, some truth can be eye opening, heart wrenching, extremely destructive and bitter.

Those words of Caleb 'so who do you think killed your birth mother?' caught me off guard, shook my soul, destroyed my ability to fathom and worried my heart. A part of me was trying its best to not over think about it, but at the same time, a part of me wanted to know the history of that statement.

Was it the same what I was thinking? Was Caleb trying to put a point that my father—extremely cruel, taunting, ignorant—could actually go up to those lengths and kill someone?

I was befuddled, standing in front of emotionally confused Caleb, who was cursing himself in his mind about what he just said. Katerina came up to me, held me from my arms, pulled me apart from Caleb, who was actually so sorry. I could see in his eyes. The shame, the regret, the disappointment—it was so clear. Clear as crystal.

It was my first experience with Caleb being sorry in front of me. I never thought I'd see that day, but I did. What a wonder, I did see on the second day of my marriage. I saw sympathy the day before it, I saw the sympathy in his eyes again. I hated it.

"I want to go to my room," I mumbled, my voice sounded deep, crisp and broken.

Caleb nodded, understanding my state of emotions, he took his steps back, I made my way out of the dining room. Katerina tried to follow me, but I guess, John stopped her saying, "Let her go, she needs time. And knock some sense into Caleb first."

I didn't blame Caleb.

He was just trying make my stupid, delusional mind understand that my dad wasn't the person who I thought he was. He was railing about my dad's behavior and unstable state of mind, he was saying that he could kill me if I disobeyed the contract, but I wasn't understanding. I was crazy, childish and mad. Arguing to Caleb about how my dad could be cruel but not that cruel who could murder someone.

But I don't know how I was convinced to believe that my birth mother didn't die giving me birth. I was convinced that there was something, a glint of truth in Caleb's twisted statement. Because deep down inside, I knew my dad wasn't the person who I claimed. He could be worse than who he was already. My hopes for him was blinding me, but after that twisted statement of Caleb, that blind fold on my mind, shattered and my mind also started to believe my deep down confessions.

While walking upstairs to my room, surprisingly I didn't cry. Not a single tear. I was just numb. I felt nothing except hurt. It was all I felt in my entire life the most. And that time, it was the only emotion that I felt.

Worst luck? Yeah!

Shutting the door behind me, I took my numb self, disturbed self to my bed, sat on the corner, with my mind totally empty, heart clenched and soul trapped in a puzzle—was it the truth or not?—well, that puzzle could only be solved if Caleb could tell me the whole truth.

I didn't know if I wanted to or not though.

I was gawking at my entwined fingers, thinking irrelevant things from past. My eyes almost closed, my vision was blurred, I didn't know if I could get something from remembering how silent or ignorant and taunting my dad had always been around me. I didn't get anything, except the fact that my hopeless respect and love for him meant nothing to him, and he didn't even like me. And my birth mother was a bitch, slut and whatever the worst thing you could think, to him. They were his own words for my real mother.

ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora