Empty Table - Cozy Couch

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Everyone in their life craves stability; the life full of normality. My day was going exactly like that, with normal people struggles like how to prepare a certain food. Instead of continuous cries, outbursts, meltdowns to be precise. I enjoyed that day, I got to know about Pierce's house and their kitchen with rules. Never for one second did I think about all the drama that took place in my life.

It was all going well, I pondered on my life and was creating goals while trying to decide about what should I have cooked for Caleb. But it all just stopped when I heard my name being called out by a very familiar voice. Thick and deep, yet softened.

It was Caleb, I peered at his tall broad frame with my lips slightly parted away, my palms getting sweaty and I felt stiffened like a spear on the spot. He crooked his eyebrow at me and folded his arms across his chest, leaned to the wall beside him and stood in front of me with legs crossed. "What are you trying to accomplish here?"

"Uh, food." I spoke up.

"I don't see any food here, Scarlet." He pointed out, "Are you actually trying to cook?" He questioned.

"Yes, I am. You remember, in the morning, you told me to cook for you so that I can you know distract myself." I said, though I could definitely see disbelief on his face.

He cleared his throat and a small smirk emerged on his face, well, it was the first time I saw him smiling...or actually, close to smile. "What?" I asked, keeping hands on my hips and frowning at him.

"Nothing, it is just, I didn't expect you to actually try. I thought you'd not leave the room and still be focused on the events that happened days ago." He cleared.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Do you think I am lazy? That's what I get after all of this effort?" I huffed, and pushed the utensils in frustration away, they made a very pathetic noise when they touched each other.

"I didn't mean that, I just expected that you would not consider my...idea. I thought that you'd just stay at room, like before, avoid my parents and you know keep on thinking about that stuff. By the way, where is you effort, Scarlet?" Okay, so he was trying to say that I was crybaby. I mean, I was but who wouldn't after what happened.

"The problem is Caleb that you think a lot, if you had been less judgmental about me, you wouldn't be surprised to find me here," He muttered something that I couldn't catch and rolled his eyes, "And my effort, I meant to say that I was going to do effort and cook for you." I looked away in embarrassment.

"You don't know how to cook, do you? And you don't like cooking at the first place, right?" He walked up to me, stood inches away and tried to get my attention while I looked around except him.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"That is not a surprise," he stated. I looked up to him, immediately. And raised my brows at him, questioning that what did he mean. But he smirked in return.

"It is not my fault you came early and it is not my fault that you are a foodie, like you want everything, even dessert, who in the right mind has dessert every fucking day." I ranted and then looked away again.

"Are you blaming me for loving food? Everyone loves food. It is not my fault that you don't even know how to boil an egg," He argued. He held my forearm, not roughly, just enough to get my attention. I stared at him blankly.

"Whatever, you came early, If you had come at dinner or even evening, I would have prepared something." I pushed him away and was about to leave the damn kitchen.

I heard him say, "Yeah, sure."

I turned around and asked, my voice kind of loud, "Why are you early? You come back from office at dinner or evening. Why? Just to see me struggle?"

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