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I woke up the next morning to the buzzing of my phone. I groaned, picking it up and looking at the time, 8:30.

"Why the hell are you calling me at 8 o'clock on a Saturday!?"

"Someone's not a morning person..and its actually 8:30."

"That makes it so much better," I said, sarcastically "so, what do you want?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out? Not right now obviously because who would hang out at 8:30 on a Saturday? But like..later?"

"No, you called me, now I'm awake, I'm coming over now." I hung up without him even responding, but then I realized I needed his address. Instead of calling him, I decided to just text.

me: uhh..so I kinda need your dress

Louis: my what?😳

me: shit. your address..stupid auto correct😒

Louis: why would I give you my address when you just hung up on me??

me: because you called me at 8:30am so I'm awake now and its all your fault.

Louis: you're lucky you're cute.🙈


When I got to Louis' he opened the door before I even got a chance to knock.

"Why did you take so long to get here?"

"Well you did kind of wake me up, and immediately ask to hang out. I had to get up and get ready before leaving."

"Hey, thats not my fault." He put both of his hands up defensively "You're the one that insisted on coming over now." Just as I was about to respond, his mom walked in.

"Louis I- Oh hello! Who's this?" She asked looking at Louis.

"This is my friend, Harold."

"I'm just Harry." I corrected, and he burst out laughing.

"Did you just quote Harry Potter?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"Well hello, just Harry."

"Hi" I smiled, and then followed Louis up the stairs.

We played video games for a while, but once we got tired of that we decided to watch something. He was just scrolling through Netflix, and told me to stop him if I saw anything that looked good.

"Oh my god, okay stop. This." I pointed to the screen.

"Ugh, American Horror Story, really?"

"Excuse you, what is wrong with American Horror Story?"

"I just feel like everyone likes it."

"Well maybe, everyone likes it because I don't know..its good?"

"Fine. One episode, but if it sucks I'm picking the next thing we watch."


By that night we were already done with season one and a few episodes into season two.

"I should leave.." I told him, looking at the time on my phone.

"Or you could stay, and we could stay up until we finish this season."

"Really? Um, yeah..okay. Let me just text my dad and see if its okay with him."


Yes, I did just simultaneously quote Harry Potter AND (sort of) TFIOS

I have some stuff planned for the next chapter that I can't wait to write.

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