Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

My first day of working in a restaurant and I had already spilt coffee on a customer. A customer I was trying to impress. It was just that Dan so instantly brightened my day when I saw him, and then I got distracted because he smiled when he reached up the get his drink, and his dimples were so cute, that my hands must have stopped working and just dropped the drink. I had just assumed that since I hadn't seen him for a few days after the lake, that us hanging out had been a one time thing. It just made seeing him even more flustering.

Whatever the cause, I felt horrible and made sure he had some dry clothes to wear. Once I gave him the jeans and t-shirt, I went back downstairs to finish up my work so we could hang out the rest of the day. Dan didn't need to know that I had to ask my mum for the rest of the day off and that I was actually supposed to keep working for another hour.

"Mum," I pulled her aside in the kitchen when she came in with a new order, "Can I have the rest of the day off?"

"I guess," She agreed cautiously, "Why?"

"I was going to hang out with Dan," I said quickly, "My new friend."

"Friend?" My mum smiled, "Was that the boy you spilled coffee on? Oh it was, wasn't it? He's quite cute." She said suggestively.

"Fine, yeah maybe I like him like that a little bit but it doesn't matter because I'll be leaving soon enough. I just need a friend to get through these months," I tried to sound sincere. She definitely didn't need to know what I was really thinking.

"Just don't break his heart."

"Mum!" She's making me out to be some sort of horrible person. I would never want to break someone's heart if I could avoid it. And this was avoidable, so long as I didn't get too involved with Dan.

"Hey," Dan said quickly from behind me, making me whip around. I hope he hadn't heard too much, that would not help with avoiding heartbreak.

After introducing Dan to my mum, we decided to head over to his place. I could tell she really liked him too, and luckily the winking at me behind his back was luckily subtle enough that I don't think Dan noticed.

I loved Dan's house as soon as we walked in. It was so tidy and such a proper house that it made me realise that Dan really had his life together. He wasn't living in a crowded apartment with his parents; he had his own tastefully decorated office and a kitchen with a few pans to actually cook in. It was much better than the typical bachelor pad. It was really cute how he also picked up the few clothes off the floor in an attempt to impress me. He obviously didn't know how messy I was yet. His whole house was tidier than I could ever keep a corner of my room.

When Dan mentioned he could put his own clothes on now that he was home, I quickly said no. Hopefully that wasn't too suspicious but I don't think it would have been easier to admit that I had grown to love my clothes on Dan in the time he had been wearing them. Even though he was a little taller than me, my shirt still somehow looked baggy and big on him. Maybe it was the shoulders. I bet he would look even cuter in my hoodies.

After we ate, we settled in to watch a movie. Dan had a great collection and I had been wanting to watch this one for a while. It was a great movie, I was on the edge of my seat, but Dan must have seen it before. Only twenty minutes in he was falling asleep, leaning his head on my shoulder. Now normally, this wouldn't have been a problem. I could let someone rest their head on shoulder without paying any attention, but as soon as it was Dan my whole body tensed and I could no longer pay any attention to the movie that I had just been extremely interested in. I really tried too. But his breath kept hitting a spot on my neck that made me shiver and I didn't want to move and disturb him. So I ended up sitting as still as I could.

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