Chapter 9

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Dan's POV

Once I said goodbye to Phil, I closed the door behind me and broke out into a huge grin. I slid down against the door and sat there for a moment. Everything had gone so well. When Phil asked me to be his boyfriend I thought my little heart might burst. Of course I fucked up when I kissed Phil on the cheek. The cheek! Only grandmothers kiss people on the cheek. Still, Phil didn't mind, he was used to my common complete fails at social skills already. And I went to bed happier that night than I had been in a while.


For the next three weeks we hung out constantly. We were always watching movies at my place or exploring the woods. I got to show Phil some of my favourite spots there that I had found over the year. We never hung out at the restaurant or their flat above, Phil was always eager to escape the crowded space. But yesterday Phil had invited me over for Monday dinner at their place, the one day of the week the restaurant was closed. He wanted to reintroduce me to his parents, as his boyfriend, even though they already knew about us dating. That's actually what I was getting ready for and I was much too nervous.

On my way to the restaurant, I stopped to buy Phil's mum some flowers. I really wanted them to like me as I intended to be with their son for a long time. When I got there I knocked on the door and sat back on my heels waiting.

"Hey you," Luckily Phil was the one to open the door, "I see you brought flowers."

"They're for your mum, don't get any ideas," I smiled despite the words. I had seen Phil just yesterday but he always made me so instantly more happy.

"Oh, of course," Phil laughed, "How dare I suspect that my boyfriend might bring me flowers."

"I'll bring some for you next time then," My heart still swelled when he called me his boyfriend.

"My mum will love them," Phil finally gestured for me to come inside.

"Good, I got them so she would like me," I tried to sound joking.

"She already likes you," Phil assured me, as we went upstairs, "I see you branched out from black today," Phil commented on my button-up shirt decorated with moths.

"Just a bit of variety," I replied.

"I like it," Phil stopped walking up the stairs to look at me again. "It really suits you." He made no effort to hide his gaze.

"Okay," I shoved him lightly to get him to go up the last few stairs and open the door to the flat, "Let's get going before I have to explain to your parents that we missed dinner because you jumped me in the stairway."

"That sounds fine to me," Phil teased, but he finally made his way into the flat with me following closely behind

When we walked in Phil's parents were working putting dishes on the table and setting the food out.

"Oh, hi Dan," Phil's mum said not stopping anything she was doing, "We're just finishing up in here. Phil's told us so much about you. It'll just be a few minutes 'til dinner."

"Sounds good," I replied awkwardly. I never knew what to do with myself when over people were busy with something I didn't know how to help with.

"I've learnt it's best not to interrupt while they're cooking," Phil mentioned, "How 'bout we try and find a vase for your flowers. I think they're in one of the boxes we never got around to unpacking."

"Sure," I was happy to have something to do with myself.

The first box we went through didn't have a vase. However, it did have some adorable picture albums of Phil as a baby. That was fun to tease him about. In the second box we did find a vase. I think Phil was glad that I wouldn't have any more opportunities to find something else, so he went to fill up the vase in the bathroom sink. After sticking the flowers in, we returned to their dining area and set the vase down.

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