Chapter 6

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Phil's POV

The morning after our visit to the bookstore, I woke up with the book from said store open on my chest. I must have fallen asleep reading it, I decided as I tried to find where my glasses had fallen off. The book was so good I hadn't been able to put it down. It was set in a small town, one that unlike this town, was quaint and lovely. There were thrilling adventures and characters such as the young girl painting faeries by the creek that the narrator met along the way. The magic of the story was blended so smoothly, relying on unknown phenomenons from the natural world, that made me question the possible validity of magic for the first time since I was little. I'd never read anything quite like it and I still really wanted to finish it.

Unfortunately though, that would have to wait for another time, as I had to work today. I hadn't been working nearly enough lately and I felt rather guilty about ditching my parents with all the cooking. Plus, I do like cooking most of the time, just with Dan around that seemed to become the second priority.


After a long afternoon of working, I was eager to jump into the shower. The smell of the kitchen always seemed permanent after working, but I could at least try to wash it off. Maybe my raspberry shower gel would at least mask the scent.

Once I finally felt at least less dirty, I hung a towel around my hips to go find some clothes to change into.

"Oh Phil," My mum was walking down the hallway, "Dan just got here, I showed him into your room."

"Thank's for the warning," I said sarcastically. I would have brought clothes into the bathroom if I had known this was going to happen.

"Hey," She reminded me, "I didn't know he was coming either."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," I stepped around her. I hadn't meant to be rude, she was just trying to help. I just don't think being practically naked in the same room as a new friend, who I'm trying ignore my feelings for, was a good idea. I just had to act casual.

"Hey Dan," I said walking into the room, hoping I wouldn't startle him. Maybe a more appropriate greeting would have been, hello platonic pal, don't mind my lack of clothes.

"Oh, hi," Dan replied as he looked up from his phone, noticing the towel, "I can leave while you get dressed," He quickly offered.

"No, I can change in the bathroom," I said quickly, "I just need to grab some clothes first."

I walked over to my dresser and began to try to find a t-shirt. Easy said than done. I hadn't done the best unpacking and finding anything was difficult. Besides, I could swear I felt Dan's eyes on my back, from where he was sitting on my bed. Maybe I'm making that up, but searching for something that's hard to find, whilst being self conscious as well, was not easy.

"Ah ha!" I said triumphantly, finally finding a decent t-shirt and everything else I needed. Turning around, I noticed Dan's amused smile at my happiness in locating the shirt, "I'll just go change now," I made some awkward hand gestures with my one free hand, backing out of the room. Well, that could have gone better. At least I didn't drop my towel.

As I quickly pulled on the clothes in the bathroom, I wondered if it was weird that I had to change in here. It should have been fine for me to change in front of Dan if we were just friends. Still, the look on his face when he saw the towel made me wonder.

After ruffling my hair, opting not to straighten it today, and exchanging my contacts for glasses, I walked back to join Dan in my room.

"All dressed now?" Dan asked once I reentered the room. Was it just my imagination, or did he look flustered?

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