Chapter 8

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Phil's POV

When I woke up the blurry confusion of the morning was even worse for a moment, as I tried to figure out where I was. Then Dan moved next to me and I smiled, remembering the night before. Hopefully I hadn't started snoring again. That would make me the worst guest, especially since Dan had let me share his bed.

As I still couldn't really see, I leaned over Dan to grab my glasses off the nightstand. Once I put them on I noticed how adorable Dan was while he slept. His fringe had gone completely curly in the night and it was pushed off his forehead. Surrounded by his black sheets and the morning sun drifting through the windows, he was full of contrasts between dark and lights. Skin only slightly tanner than mine and dark hair. God, he was hard to look away from.

Dan soon began to shuffle around more, making small waking up noises. Rubbing at his eyes he finally opened them.

"Good morning," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper, as I couldn't help but smile at the face he made.

Dan made a sound of discontent, burying his face into my chest. "I'm not a morning person," Dan said, his voice muffled against my skin and rough from sleep.

His voice sounds so wrecked in the mornings, I thought. Nope, I should not be thinking about things like that right now. "I can tell," I settled for saying instead.

Eventually Dan was able to keep his eyes open, and we got out of bed. Unfortunately, at that point Dan put on a shirt as well. We ate some more cereal for breakfast before it was time for me to leave for work.

Once I had put all my stuff in my bag, Dan walked me to the door.

"Have fun at work," He said, teasing as he was still in complete lazy morning mode.

The thing was I wanted to stay at his house too. I always wanted to spend more time with him. So as a spur of the moment decision, I asked, "Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night? "

"Are you asking me on a date Philip Lester?" Dan raised an eyebrow.

"Yes or no," I avoided the question. That part was up for him to decide.

"Yes you turnip," Dan smiled, "Of course."

"Turnip?" I questioned.

"It's a term of endearment," Dan claimed.

"I'm not sure if being a vegetable is a good thing."

"Get going," Dan giggled, "You're going to be late."

So I walked away before Dan could see the huge grin I couldn't keep off my face. I couldn't wait for the next night. Finally there was something that was more explicitly beyond pure friends. And the warm feeling in my chest seemed to be growing everyday.


The next day I could barely concentrate my whole shift at work. It felt impossible to stop myself from checking the clock even when I knew it had only been a few minutes. Eventually it was time to hang up my apron and get ready for our date. Or at least that's what I had taken to calling it in my head. Saying maybe-kinda-pretty-much a date every time I thought of it got a bit lengthy considering I had been day-dreaming about it since I said goodbye to Dan yesterday.

"You seem happy to be done with work," My mum commented as I walked past her to go upstairs.

"I have a date," I had been bursting to tell someone about it so the words came out without any real thinking.

"Do I even have to ask who?" She said smiling.

"Do you mean there's other people that live here other than Dan?" I feigned shock.

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