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"Story time!" A little girl, with brown curls bouncing, said as she happily jumped onto the bed to join her brother.

"Have you already taken your bath?" Her Dad asked kindly, pushing his glasses back up with one hand while he pulled her in close with the other.

"Papa said that since we went swimming in the lake today it counts as a bath." She said happily, obviously glad to have gotten out of bath time.

"Yeah," The little boy joined in as well, mostly to imitate his big sister. His cheeks were round as he sucked happily on this thumb.

"I see," He smiled happily, "Well get comfy snuggle bug," He made sure she was settled beneath the blanket, "What story do you want tonight?" He addressed both the children.

"The one about the two princes," They both said happily. "Please, it's been so long," the little girl added.

"I tell that one so often."

"But 's my favourite," The little boy said sweetly.

"Once upon a time," Their Dad finally gave in and started the story, dimpled smiles appearing on the young faces.

They knew the story practically by heart, interrupting only a couple of times when they felt as though something had been missed. Still, by the end they were both slumped asleep, leaning against the shoulders of their Dad. As he finished the story he got up carefully, tucking the little girl into bed and carrying the little boy to his. There were little kisses pressed to forehead and goodnights whispered, before he shut the door lightly behind him.

"Are they both asleep?" Another man, his husband, asked when he entered the living room. The husband had been typing something on his computer, but he soon saved and closed it for the night.

"Yeah, they asked for the princes story again," He walked away wrapping his arms around the writer who had yet to leave his chair, "Aren't you supposed to be the one telling the stories? I mean you are the author after all."

"They shouldn't be reading my stories til they're much older," He said smiling, pressing a kiss to the other man's arm that was lying across his chest, "Do I get cuddles now too?"

"Of course," Was the loving reply.

So they sat cuddled together on the sofa, talking and enjoying being near each other as a television program played softly in the background. Though they couldn't stay up quite as late anymore, what with little feet that liked to run around in the morning, they still sat until the stars had been outside for hours. There would be the restaurant in the morning and writing and playing make believe faeries by the creek, but there was no rush. Neither of them had been in a place where they were counting down the days til something better in years. Everything was easy, warm, and loving. It was happiest either of them had ever been.

"I love you Phil," Were the words whispered when they turned out the lights that night.

"I love you Dan," Was paired with a kiss pressed lightly to lips that he would never grow tired of loving.

Writing About Blue Eyes -Phan-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang