Chapter 7

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Dan's POV

The morning after I couldn't get my new story out of my head, I spent writing the one I was supposed to be. I don't know quite what happened. I'm normally self motivated enough to meet my publisher's deadlines, but now whenever I had the motivation to write, I was spending it on a story that was nothing like the one my readers would be expecting in a few months. Still, I managed to write for most of the morning and afternoon on the story I was supposed to. Not nearly as fun as the other would have been, but bearable.

Eventually I couldn't even keep my eyes focused on my laptop screen, so I decided it was probably time to get out of the house. And lately there was really only one thing I wanted to do when I went out. I started off towards the restaurant, hoping to find Phil and maybe even invite him over to stay the night. I could pretend it was to save him from his family. Certainly not because I wanted to spend as much time with his as possible, and sleepy Phil was extremely cute.

When I got to the restaurant Phil's mum showed me the bedroom that they had evidently cleared out and Phil was now staying in.

"Phil will be out of the shower in a minute," Mrs. Lester said as she left to go back down to the restaurant.

"Thank you," I replied, sitting down carefully on the edge of Phil's bed. To keep myself occupied I began to play a game on my phone.

"Hey Dan," Phil's voice interrupted my game.

"Oh," I looked up from my phone, ready to say hi back, but fucking hell. Why hadn't Phil put clothes on before leaving the bathroom? Sure he had a towel that was slung almost too low around his hips, but that didn't help my imagination. "Hi," I eventually added, "I can leave while you get dressed," I also offered. At this point I was desperately hoping Phil wasn't one of the people who will change in front of anyone. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just don't think my little heart could take it.

"No, I can change in the bathroom. I just need to find some clothes first," Phil said before turning his back to me to search through his wardrobe for something to wear.

I would like to say that then I turned back to my phone and let Phil search in peace. Yet how could I? It was hard enough to stay where I was. God, who even knew backs could look that nice? His shoulders are so broad and I'd love to leave marks all over his pale skin. Phil's bum is perfect too.

"Ah ha!" Phil exclaimed, making me jump and hopefully avert my eyes before he noticed. "I'll just go change now," He added.

I nodded in response, but I don't think he noticed before going to change. It's good he left the room actually. I really need a moment to collect myself after that. I hope we figure out this kinda almost dating and mutual attraction thing soon. Or maybe I was just totally misreading Phil and he had no interest in me. Either way, it's the not knowing that's difficult. And here Phil was making just friends much more challenging by walking around in a towel. Does he even know how hot he is? God, the things I'd let him to do me.

"All dressed now?" I blurted out when Phil walked back through the door. I think I did the opposite of collect myself whilst he was gone.

"Yeah all good," Phil didn't seem to be looking at me too weirdly. Maybe he hadn't noticed anything. "So, what are you doing here?"

Just like that it was back to normal. We began teasing each other and I managed to invite him over for the night without messing up too badly. On the way back to my place, I even opened up about my parents. It felt odd to talk about them with someone else; it had been so long since I had anyone. Phil was kind about them too, saying they had missed out, I wish I believed that.

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