Chapter 9

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"That can't be. This has to be a trick." Killian said.

"I agree with you on that. This is a fairytale. It's not real." Emma said.

They were both staring at the giant ship that was docked and was floating in the water. The docks were far from her house, but it wasn't too far that she couldn't see the colors of the ship. It was indeed the exact ship from the dream, but it couldn't be. The dream took place in Neverland, and they were in Storybrooke, Maine.

"Should we go and check it out?" Emma asked.

"Didn't you order a pizza?" Killian asked.

"Oh right. Well should we go and check it out after we eat?"

"I guess so. This doesn't make sense. It was a dream. Not a bloody hallucination. Captain Hook and the Jolly Roger is apart of Peter Pan, which is a fairytale."

"I'm about as baffled as you are."

After the pizza came and they ate, they went to the docks. They walked hand in hand and sure enough it was the same blue, yellow, and red ship from her dream. The sails were cream colored. It was abandoned.

"This is cool." Killian said staring at the ship.

"I can't help but have a bad feeling about this. What if they are here? Pirates in Storybrooke. That will be fun." The last sentence was nothing but sarcastic.

"Cmon lets check it out."

"No Killian. What if they are waiting for that. I highly doubt that a grand pirate ship came over here from Neverland by itself."

"Miss Swan, Mr. Jones, I see you have found the old navy ship I just bought." Mr. Gold said walking up to them.

"It's yours? And it's a navy ship?" Emma asked.

"Indeed. An old friend of mine brought it over." Mr. Gold said.

"Oh, cause it's really cool." Emma said.

"Alright well I think we should get going. We still have that pizza at your house love." Killian said.

"Right. Well your ship is really something." Emma said.

Mr. Gold waved at them and walked aboard the ship as Killian and Emma went to her house.

"See I told you it was a trick." Killian said.

"And I agreed with you. There was no way that that was real." Emma said and sat on the couch. "So when do you have to go home?"

"I don't know maybe tomorrow." Killian said and sat next to her.

"What about clothes? Did you bring a bag or do you need to go to your house and pick some up?"

"We can go. We will go before your parents get home and I'll take you out to dinner."

"You just assume I don't have plans." Emma said with a smile.

"Well you do now. With me."

The two got up and went to his house to get him another change of clothes. His mom and brother weren't there so it was a quick in and out. Emma sat in the car listening to music and scrolling through Instagram when there was a knock on her window. She turned her head and Neal was there. She scrambled to lock the doors, but he didn't try to get in. She stared at him and he stared back. Killian came rushing out of his house with a bag full of what he would need, when he saw him staring at Emma. He walked out of his house and slowly walked down the steps. When he reached the car and came into Neal's view, the smile that was on his face disappeared. Emma unlocked the door long enough for Killian to open his door and get it. He sped away but didn't go to her house.

"He's a creep!" Emma said.

"Did he touch you?" Killian asked worriedly.

"No I locked the doors. He was just staring at me."

Killian pulled up at the restaurant and looked around just like at the police station.

"Killian I'm really not in the mood for a kiss." Emma said.

"No I was just making sure that he wasn't following us."

"Oh okay, cmon lets go in." Emma said. She opened her door and stepped out.

Killian stepped out and held the glass door open for her. They got seated, and were deciding on what to order. Emma decided to get a chicken salad and Killian got a sirloin steak. After dinner, he drove her home and her parents were sitting in the living room.

"Where were you?" David asked as she walked through the door.

"We went to get dinner." Emma said. David couldn't know that Killian was spending the night.

"Oh so Killian dropped you off here?"

"Yea, now I'm really tired, so I'm going up to bed. Night." Emma ran up to her room, opened her balcony doors and let Killian in.

"It's freezing out there! What took you so long?" Killian said rubbing his hands together.

"My parents I'm sorry. If you want to take a shower to warm up you can."

"Take one with me?" He asked raising his eyebrow and giving her a smirk.

Her heartbeat began racing. It would be the first time since those things happened that someone would see her naked. She knew Killian wouldn't do anything unless she said it was okay.

"Swan? Don't you trust me."

Her head was down but when he said that she looked up so fast that it made her neck hurt. "You know I do, but I'm not ready. I'm sorry." Tears were pooling in her eyes,

"No please don't be sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. I will wait until you are comfortable."

"I am sorry though. I know that you won't do anything but something is telling me not to."

"Hey it's okay. I'm going to take a shower. If you want to join me you can, if not it's okay." He started walking to the bathroom but turned around. "And I'm not saying that to guilt trip you love." He gave her a small smile before shutting the door behind him.

"I know. I'm sorry." She said under her breath. "I do trust you."

She was changing into her pjs when he walked out of the bathroom. When he saw her, unconsciously he turned around and quietly walked back into the bathroom. He decided to start over. He waited a minute then went back out. She was fully dressed and laying on the bed watching him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine." She had a smile on her face.

He climbed in bed next to her and she snuggled up next to him. "I know what you saw." She still had the smile on her face. A wave of fear racked his body. "It's okay. I trust you."

He went to kiss her cheek, but she turned and caught his lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She replied.

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