Chapter 10

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It was 7:00 in the morning when she woke up. She awoke to the sound of banging at the door. She looked beside her and Killian was asleep. She put a light robe on and went downstairs and opened the door to Neal.

"Emma." He said with monotone.

She tried to shut the door but he forced it back open. "W-W-What do you want?" She said backing up as he walked forward.

"You see, my life went nuts after you were gone. I escaped from the police and found my way back to you. Taking me to the state prison wasn't enough Emma. They have very little security." Neal pulled out a knife from his pocket. "I need you back. I need someone to help me pull of heists again."

"That's all I was good for right? Stealing. But when I refused to do something you would threaten me. I can't believe I gave you so many chances. But the thing is, I don't need you. I have someone who loves me for being me, and I don't need you to tell me otherwise." Emma spat.

"You're going to regret this!" He yelled.

Killian came rushing down the steps. "Swan!"

Neal grabbed Emma's arm and spun her into him. He held the knife against her throat. She dug her head into his shoulder to try to get the blade away, but it wasn't working. "Get away before I slice her throat!" Neal yelled.

"Hey mate what did the lady do to you?" Killian said.

"That's none of your concern! Now you heard me! Leave or she dies!"

"If you want her for yourself, then why kill her? Why not kill me?"

"Killian no!" Emma yelled but was quickly shut up by the blade that was going to cut her skin any moment.

"Good point." Neal released Emma, and made his way over to Killian who was on the steps. He thrusted the knife forwards, but Killian kicked it out of his hands. The knife flew across the room and Killian kicked Neal again. He ended up on the floor unconscious.

"Killian..." Emma said.

He looked over and saw blood coming from her leg. As the knife flew, it grazed her leg slightly. She started to fall but he jumped over the banister and caught her. He helped her over to the couch and grabbed paper towels and peroxide. When he came back, Neal was gone. He dropped the things on the floor and ran to Emma who was sitting on the couch using her robe belt to try to stop the bleeding. He grabbed the things he dropped and ran back to Emma. He ripped off a wad of the paper towels and cleaned the blood up. Then he grabbed the peroxide bottle.

"Okay love this might sting a little bit." He said and dabbed at her leg with the covered paper towel.

She flinched back and he did the same. "Sorry." She said.

He looked at her then began to clean the cut. After he was done, he was surprised that the wound wasn't that big or deep.

"Killian do you think we should go to the hospital?" Emma asked once he was done.

"No. My mom is a doctor and she taught me what to do and how to determine whether something is serious or not." Killian said.

"Oh okay." She tried to stand up but she fell back down onto the couch. "Ow."

"What do you need love?"

"My bed and you next to me."

He smiled then picked her up bridle style. He carried her up the steps and put her on her bed.

"Sorry." Emma said.

"For what?" Killian asked.

"Making you carry me. I could have walked if you helped me."

"No it's fine. You are actually pretty light."

Emma smiled then laid down. He ran downstairs and locked the door, then ran back up. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should have kicked the knife in the other direction."

"Hey it's okay. Things could have gotten a lot worse if you hadn't kicked it out of his hand at all. I'm just glad that you're okay."

"Yea but you aren't."

"I'm fine I just have a cut on my leg."

He laid down from his sitting position and faced her. She pulled herself to him and their lips clashed. The kiss was perfect. It sent sparks flying and chills down both of their spines. He brought his hand under the sheets and onto her back pushing her into him. They didn't want the kiss to end, but if they wanted another like it they had to breathe. He pulled away and they rested their foreheads together.

"I love you." Emma said.

"I love you too." Killian replied.

They fell asleep with her head on his chest and his head on hers. Emma felt safe and secure. Even with her leg throbbing and a mad man on the loose attacking her, she felt safe. She knew that he wanted to prove his love to her, but she couldn't let it happen just yet. She trusted him with all her heart, but she was scared. Maybe the best way to move on from the past, was to enjoy the present, and start the future. Maybe that's what she needed. To let Killian love her without pushing him back. He aimed his goals to protect Emma at all costs. Through thick and thin. No matter what, he wasn't going to run away. No matter how long he had to wait, how much he had to give up, or how much he had to give. His Swan's protection and love was all he wanted. Emma was his. Forever and always.

Emma awoke again on the dastardly ship, in the dead of night, and with that same dark island jungle in front of her. She turned around and saw the captain at the wheel, but nobody else was there.

"So nice of you to return lass!" He said with a smirk that was just like Killian's.

"Right. Explain to me how I'm back here. I wasn't watching the movie when I fell asleep." Emma said.

"Well how about you tell me your name and then I'll tell you what I know."

'Typical pirate.' "Emma Swan."

"Such a pretty name. Well, Neverland is a place where kids visit in their dreams, or the shadow comes and takes them if the believe. Tell me love, where are you from and what is a movie?"

"You know, I don't know how to explain what a movie is. It's a story that you play on a moving picture box thing." Hook nodded his head. "I'm from a place far from here. It's called Maine, and I live in a town called Storybrooke."

"Maine? What an unusual name for such a place."

"Yea, so how do I get back?"

"I have no clue. Last night you swirled out of here on a tornado or something. You can't remember?"

"No I-I can't."

Emma woke up in her bedroom. Killian was next to her, and someone was standing in the corner of the room. She recognized him, but didn't know what to do.

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