Chapter 20

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Might I say that I am really really happy that this story had 1K views while it's still being written. Thanks everybody (you know who you are😉) for commenting and voting! It really makes my day to hear/see what you guys think of this book. I didn't think that it would become this much of a CS success.


"No no no no no no." Emma said shaking her head. Tears coming out of her eyes.

Killian ran out of the bathroom. He didn't have his shirt on yet. "Swan what's wrong?"

"Neal. H-He's coming back."

He took the phone from her hands and read the message. He looked up at her and there was no color in her face. He put the phone down and wiped the tears away.

"We have to call the cops. We have him making threats to you and kidnapping you. That's enough evidence to get him arrested. Plus the things he did to you before." Killian said.

"It's not a problem with charging him. It's catching him. He is very good at escaping from law enforcement. He's done it so many times I can't remember how many." Emma said.

"Then let's catch him ourselves. He's good at escaping law enforcement, but what about normal people?"

"What do you suggest we do Killian? Make a net and hang him from a tree?"

"Why not? We'll get Ruby and Robin to help and we will be the unstoppable team of four."

"I don't know, but if we are going to do this, it better end up with him in handcuffs and in a jail cell."

Emma called Ruby and Killian called Robin. They told them to meet at Granny's and that they had to talk. In 15 minutes, Killian and Emma were walking to the diner hand in hand. They saw Ruby and Robin already in a booth.

"Hey what is it that we need to talk about?" Robin asked.

"Well, Neal's coming back again." Emma said.

Ruby and Robin's eyes widened, not that they were surprised anyway. He did say that he would be back.

"What are we going to do?" Ruby asked.

Emma looked over at Killian. Silently telling him to tell them about his plan. After explaining everything over dinner, Emma and Killian to her house to pick up clothes for her, then went back to his house. They went into his room and watched Netflix on the computer for about an hour. After the show was over, he got up and got his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked.

"Going to take a shower. Want to join me?" A smile formed on his face.

"No, I am going to sit here and watch Netflix." Emma said.

"Without me?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Go take your shower you fuckboy."

Killian went into the bathroom and took his shower. Emma was sitting on the bed scrolling through the shows and movies to watch. Soon she found herself very tired. She put the laptop down and snuggled up in the blankets. Moments later Killian exited the bathroom. He laid down next to Emma.

"Tired are we?" He asked.

Emma nodded her head. He laid down next to her and in a matter of seconds she was asleep. A knock at the door woke Killian before he had the chance to fall asleep too. Liam opened the door without waiting for a 'come in.'

"Hey little brother! There is someone at the door for Emma. Said his name was Nathan or something." He said.

Killian nudged Emma to wake her up. "Swan someone is here for you. His name is Nathan."

Emma's eyes widened. "Tell him I'm not here. I don't care what you say just get him away."

Liam nodded and went back downstairs. As the door shut, Killian asked for an explanation.

Emma sighed. "When Neal and I first got together, he had to have fake names almost anytime that he had to show his ID to someone. The one that he used for the longest amount of time was Nathan. It holds some kind of history for him so that's why he uses it."

"That son of a bitch really thinks that an alias will get you with him? Does he think that you are stupid or something?" Killian yelled.

"Calm down. It's okay. I'm fine, for now, but I should go." Emma said.


"It's not safe here now that he knows where you live. You will be safer without me here."

"You think I'm letting you go home?" He took a step closer to her. "I told you Swan. You aren't leaving my sight."

Emma kissed his lips and ran around him to the door, but before she could open it enough to get out, he slammed it shut.

"Where do you think you're going m'lady?" He asked. His voice was low.


"Why? Don't like being around me love?"

"I'm protecting you. It's dangerous with me around, but now it's even more dangerous because he knows where you live."

"Then tell me. Who is going to protect you?"

Emma hadn't thought of that. It didn't really matter what happened to her. As long as Neal was roaming the streets, she wasn't safe. "I don't know. I guess I never really thought about that."

"I am going to protect you at all costs. You are mine Emma Swan. Nobody else gets you."

"Fine, but am I going to have to be stuck with you all the time?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Maybe. Considering I am your boyfriend and maybe one day your husband."

Emma smiled. She did think of Killian as her husband and father of her kids. She was just too scared to ask him if he thought about marriage like she did, but they weren't even out of high school yet. She had plenty of time to debate whether or not he was worthy of her hand.

He brought his hands up and stroked the sides of her arms. "I'm sorry if I scared you with the husband stuff Emma."

"What? No I'm not scared. I was scared to ask you if you thought about that kind of thing too." Emma said truthfully.

His face lit up and he picked her up and spun her around before placing her on the ground again. "I do see having a future with you. I love you so much that you wouldn't believe it."

"I know because if you didn't, you wouldn't care that Neal is always after me." Emma put her head down. "Maybe I should just go with him, so this will stop."

"Are you crazy? We will get him. I'll go and catch him now." Killian said.

Emma rolled her eyes and just kissed him. "You're a pain, but I love you. I'll stay and we can watch Netflix or something."

He followed her over to the bed and laid down. She picked up the laptop and watched If I Stay until they both fell asleep.

Sorry for the slow update today, my birthday is next week so I had to pick out things that I wanted. Uh, let me know what you think of this chapter and what you would want to see or what I could do to make it better.

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