Chapter 1

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Intern 2 was sitting at his desk, working on his computer as always. Scene had been singing non-stop and talking about how glad she was that Fall Out Boy was back together. Just another day in the MyMusic office.

Suddenly, Indie walked into the building. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say a word, Scene stood up and squealed at his arrival. He simply walked off, shaking his head, while Scene followed him, her hands flailing in every direction. Intern 2 was happy - Scene had left him alone and also prevented him from receiving any more verbal abuse from Indie. He turned to the camera and shook his head before turning back to his computer.

His mind trailed off immediately. The only thing he could think about was his true love. It was love at first sight - for him at least. He didn't know if his crush liked him back. Intern 2 wasn't the sort of person who would normally think longingly about others - in fact, he usually wouldn't notice the best things about a person, but this time it was different. He had found it. His one and only love.


He loved everything about them. Ovals and boxes, everything in between. They could bring structure to chaotic scenes. Wait, he thought, that almost rhymes. But the sheer pleasure he got from drawing out a flowchart sent shivers down his spine. It was a match made in heaven. Kind of.

His thoughts were swept away as Hip Hop sauntered up to him and sat on the desk beside him.

"Yo, whaddup Intern 2 man. Hey, yall's lookin' different today. Like you's in love or something. Spill - who's the special someone, dude?"

Intern 2 simply shook his head, not wanting anyone, even Hip Hop, to now of his adoration of flowcharts. Not in this way. "Whatever you say," replied Hip Hop, but he wasn't convinced.

"Anyway," Hip Hop continued, "I was wonderin' if you wanted to go watch a movie some time! I loooove Harry Potter if you'd like that!"

"Uh, yeah, sure wh-" Intern 2 was cut off as Indie walked into the room.

"Did somebody say 'Harry Potter'?" he demanded.

Hip Hop jumped right off the table, took out a gun and shot Intern 2 right in the foot. Intern 2 squealed from surprise.

"Nah, dawg, I was sayin' 'bout Harry SNOTTER! Cuz he's so STOOPID! Woof!"

"Hmm, if you say so," Indie shrugged, walking nonchalantly back into his office.

"Indie, I-" protested Intern 2.


Hip Hop's angry look faded quickly from his face as he lost his aggressive demeanour. "I am so sorry! I had to!"

"I've heard that one before..." Intern 2 just barely managed to choke out through his pain.

"Well, later Intern 2."

"Yeah, I look forward to it."

In all honesty, he was glad Hip Hop had left. Scene was probably busy fangirling over Indie again. Indie was in his office, probably sorting through his scarves. Idol was out somewhere with Rayna, Metal was recording with rotfl:brbttyl:) and as for Techno and Dubstep, they were probably... doing Techno and Dubstep stuff. Intern 2 had some time to think. He was going to ask a flowchart out, and he needed to figure out how.

It was time to get planning.


Author's note: Hi! This fic is kind of weird, since it's between a man and a piece of paper, but I'm sure I can find a way to make it work. I don't think anyone will actually read this though. I'm mainly doing this for myself because I've never seen an Intern 2/flowcharts fanfic. If someone else likes it though, great! Thank you! It will get more interesting soon, I promise. Bye, you sons of biscuits.

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