Chapter 11

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He had to be imagining it. Flowchart was always kept safely in Intern 2's room. Where was she? Surely someone wouldn't have taken her? There was no other explanation, though. But who? Who would have cared about her enough to take her away from him? Most people would ignore her whilst simultaneously disliking her, since she was so heavily involved in Intern 2's life. Anything that had something to do with him would usually be ignored or hated by most people in the office, especially by Indie. He was the sort of person that just didn't care unless it's something that he considers culkin.

Intern 2's eyes darted around the room. She was nowhere to be found. What he did see, however, was a very small piece of white paper in the shape of a triangle. One of the edges was jagged and ripped, while the other two were straight and joined in a sharp corner. He raced over to it and picked it up. Scrawled on the paper was a note.

Wondering what happened to your precious flowchart? Go check in the paper shredder.

Well, that didn't sound good.

The tension was high as Intern 2's heartbeat increased and he started shaking with his deep breaths. This couldn't be happening. It turns out Intern 2 has some crazy ninja powers that he never knew about, because he ran to that paper shredder faster than he thought was possible. He burst through the door and ran into the empty room. What he saw in front of him made his stomach churn and his heartbeat cut off for a second.

Inside the paper shredder was a pile of long, thin strips of white paper with the occasional square of colour and letters. It couldn't be - 


He heard Satan's voice to his right, but chose to ignore it. What he saw in front of him hadn't sunk in.

"Intern 2, I... I'm so sorry, I don't know how this happened... Who could have done this? I can't believe -"


"What? I swear it wasn't me, I was -"

"I know. I know it wasn't you. Go."

Intern 2 couldn't believe what was happening, and he really needed some time to himself. Satan's voice sounded genuine, so he didn't believe he would have done this. Suddenly he felt the warmth leave the room - Satan must have teleported away. He still felt a presence in the room, but again, he ignored it. This situation was too... shocking.

He didn't cry. He didn't move. He didn't even breathe for a while. All he did was stare. That paper shredder was the only thing in the world that mattered. Everything else just disappeared. Gravity seemed to be pushing him down to the ground and the weight was unbearable. He fell to his knees and he began to breathe heavily. Reality came crashing as his body shook with sobs. There was a terrible ringing sound in his ears. He could feel the sobs aching his lungs but couldn't hear them over the ringing. His head was pounding and his chest was aching. The knot in his stomach got tighter and tighter every second.

And yet he still didn't believe any of this was happening.

He wanted it to be a dream, just a harmless dream. He pinched himself to see if he would wake up, but that didn't work. Anything, anything that would make him wake up. It was all he wanted. How silly was he, to have a dream like this? He would wake up, and he would look back on this dream laughing. He laughed through the sobs. What a ridiculous dream! Nothing like this would happen in real life. But he couldn't wake up. He tried and tried and tried. But it didn't happen. It never would happen. And as that thought occured to him, he realised that she was gone. Gone. What would he do? How could he survive without her? Answers wouldn't come to him, though; all that did come to him was more sobs. That was when he realised something.

He had to get her back.

It would be hard, but Intern 2 was determined. Nothing could stop him. His sadness and agony changed to anger and determination faster than the speed at which he ran to the paper shredder. He picked it up and turned back to the door. But instead of running further, he ran face first into somebody. He didn't know who it was until he heard a very, very familiar voice.

"You're not going anywhere, Intern 2."


A/N: ooooh cliffhangers! (i'm so so sorry) oh my word I've not updated in over a month? I'm so sorry! (hides in corner) my next chapter should definitey not take that long, as I've got lots of ideas. Sorry, I've been distracted by Muse and AmazingPhil and life stuff. One of my sisters is moving out today, and the other is moving out tomorrow, so writing this was great for taking my mind off it. I'll be all alone after Monday. It'll be really hard. Me and my sisters have great relationships, we never fight and we all have so much in common. It'll be really difficult and I'm sorry about moaning about it. But anyway, thanks for reading! I love you all more than you know. until next time :)

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