Chapter 10

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Intern 2 didn't sleep that night. As soon as his head hit the spot on the mattress where his pillow would be, his mind exploded with thoughts. When did he and Flowchart even become a thing? Were they a thing? He hadn't even gotten to know her. All that time ago when he played her the song he had written. It all happened so soon. Flowchart didn't know about him, and he didn't know about Flowchart. Did she even like Intern 2? Maybe she was just going along with whatever he said because nobody understood her. Intern 2 was the only friend she really had. And that was sad. She would have to spend the rest of her life surrounded by people who didn't like her or even know who she was. Nobody should have to live like that.

But Intern 2... he was the same. Constantly surrounded by people who treated him like trash. Bombarded with insults. Everywhere he went, someone would show up to make fun of him in some way. But not everyone hated him - Hip Hop was his friend and Scene didn't hate anyone. 

But that wasn't enough. A few people liked him, but he wasn't appreciated. Neither was Flowchart. And that was why they were such a great match. Wasn't it?

But how can you just... start a relationship? Why would he go so fast when they'd only just met? In a way that seemed awfully cliché. But in another way it just felt stupid. Really stupid. Intern 2... he had to start again. He had to talk to Flowchart - get to know her a bit more before moving any further. Perhaps that was why he was thinking this in the first place. He was moving too fast. He would talk to her, he would start again with her. Tomorrow. First, he needed to sleep to clear his mind.

But it seemed doing that wasn't as easy as it sounded.

He tried thinking of paperclips, files and garden hoses to send him to sleep, but even that didn't work. Wow. This was obviously serious. Usually, garden hoses would send him into a deep slumber in which he had the happiest dreams of his life. But not tonight. It was 3:15. This was extremely unprofessional of him. He would usually fall asleep when it was still bright outside, even though it would still be 3:15... And he'd be up at exactly the right time. He would surely be fired if he weren't so cost efficient. But as he continued to lay his head against the hard mattress, he realised that sleep probably wouldn't be coming to him any time soon.

It felt like he was lying there for years. But it was still 3:15. He got up anyway, rubbing his eyes of the sleep that was never even there. Should he talk to Flowchart now? He did want to get it off his chest, but he felt like work was more important than his personal problems. Instead, he stood up and headed straight up to the MyMusic office. He was immediately greeted by Indie's voice.

"Guys, big news. We're moving. We've got a different building for season two that's less likely to burn down, which would be useful considering the amount of times that happened in the first episode alone."

Season? Episode?

Anyway, Intern 2 didn't... care. Usually he'd be up to date on anything and everything to do with his work. But something had gotten into him today. Maybe it was the situation with Flowchart. He would get around to it eventually. He just had to get through this day.

Intern 2 spent the time at his half-desk just staring at his computer screen. He tried to do some work but he didn't feel motivated. Scene's words about some online nonsense were ringing in his ears and his head was pounding. Whenever he tried to work, it would just become worse. What was happening? This was not like Intern 2 in the slightest. Eventually it started to become too much.

That was it.

He stood up and stormed right past Scene towards his living space. He swung the door open and marched in.

He was going to sort out the situation with Flowchart then and there.

But as he looked around, Flowchart was nowhere to be found.


A/N whoaaaa what? I... updATED?!!? oh my god it's a miracle! I'm so so so sorry for not updating. You know when you find something and just become completely obsessed with it and literally devote your entire being to it? Yeah. Phil Lester. Also the whole bit with Intern 2 feeling horrible and Scene's words were kind of inspired by my feelings right now. It sucks when people say stuff about you, doesn't it? I'm fine though, thanks to A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, so don't worry about me. Sorry about any mistakes, I'm writing this on my phone. Bye guys, thanks for reading! I love you all a lot. :)

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