Chapter 7

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"I want something eeelse to get me through thiiiiiis semi-charmed kinda liiife baby baby..."

Oh no, not again. Intern 2 was doing karaoke alone in the basement that was his bedroom. Yes, he lived at MyMusic. But Semi-Charmed Life was his favourite song to sing for karaoke. He'd sing it every time he went to a bar with his best friend, Squirrel. He never went out with anyone else. Since he didn't have any other friends, that is. Even his parents couldn't take him. From the moment he was born, he didn't have parents. How? Nobody knows. In fact, his earliest memory was the first day of working at MyMusic. It was as if he didn't have a childhood at all. Like he was just a character on some comedy web series. But that was ridiculous, of course.

Anyway, the intern was alone in his dark and damp room, the speakers on his old Windows 97 computer blaring the instrumentals from Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind. It buffered occasionally, but at that moment, he really didn't care. It was like he was drunk, but he hadn't been drinking anything. He didn't usually act like this when he was sober.

When he was finished singing that song, he moved on to Kiss From A Rose by Seal. He was going to choose a different band to sing to but for some reason he couldn't remember any, so instead he went back to Semi-Charmed Life. Not drunk.

He was usually a good singer. He was a big fan of a YouTuber called Jacksfilms and sang his songs a lot. His favourite was The Ray William Johnson Song. A lot of YouTubers were in that - Pewdiepie, Brock Baker, Sean Klitzner, Cyr... He was a big fan of all of these people. Jack looked strangely familiar to him, though. He couldn't quite place a finger on it.

In fact, it was like that with everyone working at MyMusic. Idol looked a lot like Grace Helbig. Scene looked a lot like Lainey Lipson. Even Satan looked a lot like Toby Turner. But he couldn't quite tell who Jack looked like. He had always chosen to ignore it, though. Probably just a coincidence.

He spotted Flowchart sitting on the floor in the corner. Without even thinking about it, he picked the piece of paper up and kissed her. Right where her lips would be. If she was human. Not at all concerned about the possibility of their relationship moving too fast, he shoved his tongue against the paper, caressing where her tounge would be. His mouth and the bit of paper he was kissing fit together so perfectly.

Breaking away, he threw Flowchart on the ground, noticing a wet mark where he had kissed her, and continued his "dancing", or if you want a more accurate description, "flapping and flailing around like a lunatic".

Suddenly, Intern 2 thought he felt a presence; eyes burning holes in his back. He chose to ignore it, though - he was having a whale of a time and he didn't want that to stop.


A female voice made Intern 2 stop singing and flailing around, but the instrumentals were still blaring from the computer speakers.

"The hell do you want?" he spat to his computer. He was convinced the sound was coming from there.

"Behind you."

He spun around on his heel, fell and hit his already bruised head on the wall. The impact was hard, but it didn't hurt him for some reason. He stumbled up and almost tripped again, but managed to regain his balance.

"Care to explain whatever you're doing?"

"No! Leave me alone for Satan's sake..." He tried to look at the person speaking to him but his vision was blurred and he could make out the figure halfway down the basement stairs. The only thing he knew was that this was a girl. "Oh, hey babe..." he murmered, "why don't you come alo-" Oh shoot. Flowchart was right behind him. He couldn't say that to whoever this was.

"Don't think I didn't see you making out with that dumb piece of paper just now. I thought you loved me! I thought we had something! But no, you have to go off with that piece of garbage, she's not even human for crying out loud, I don't even know if she's a she, no wonder you can't find a real person to love you if you have no real friends, maybe if Indie hadn't spiked your coffee this wouln't have ha-" She stopped and put a hand to her mouth, as far as Intern 2 could tell. His brain didn't really process what she had said, maybe he'd remember it tomorrow.

At this point, the girl stormed down the remainder of the stairs and stopped in front of Intern 2.


Before he could speak, Intern 2 was slapped in the face. Hard. Never underestimate girls just because of their gender, folks. But again, he didn't feel any pain. He could tell Rayna was angry about this as her eyes widened with rage and she marched back up the stairs and slammed the trapdoor.

Intern 2 turned around, groaning. As he turned to his left, he could have sworn he saw a bright orange flame disappearing into the air.


A/N: Oh my god 300+ reads I love you all let me kiss you (no homo)

I got bored... I wanted to update. I dunno how I feel about this chapter, I like the stuff about YouTubers and kind of breaking the fourth wall but I think it's kind of a filler chapter. Sorry! Thanks for reading anyway! Dedicated to Eukaryote because we've just been making fandom references in comments and it's been fun. Ugh I'm watching Phantom of the Opera and all I can say is RAMIN KARIMLOO. "What sort of name is that?" That is a quote from you. It's not? Okay, repeat after me: "What sort of name is that?" Well done, that is now a quote from you. And to answer your question, I don't know. But he plays the Phantom and ugh his voice is amazing and he is gorgeous. Well okay maybe not so much when he doesn't have the mask but... Okay now I'm rambling. Sorry.

*Tessa Netting voice* peace out guys, love ya!

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