Chapter 6

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He walked into the building, gripping on to Flowchart perhaps a little too hard. The first thing to meet his eyes was Bigfoot sitting in Intern 2's usual seat at the MyMusic reception. It appeared that he was trying to use the computer. He held a small book in his left hand, trying (and failing) to keep it open with his thumb. After trying for a few more minutes, Bigfoot picked the computer monitor with both hands and inspected the bottom. When he had finished looking, he put the monitor back down on the desk and noticed Intern 2 staring open-mouthed at him. Upon noticing this, he stood and ran away, hands flailing close to his chest like a t-rex. Well, that was strange.

Shaking his head as if there was a bug on it, Intern 2 walked back to his seat, placed his head on his hand and sighed. He suddenly became aware of how lame and cliché he probably looked and slid his elbow from the desk, forgetting that his head was still resting on his hand. This resulted in his head slamming hard on the table. The loud thump shocked Intern 2 more than the pain... or at least, it did for the first few seconds. Until the pain kicked in, and -


"SHUT UP INTERN 2!" screamed what sounded like Metal. Intern 2 covered his mouth to avoid the screams of pain and waited for Indie to scream back about that being his catchphrase. He didn't, however, which got Intern 2 thinking, which hurt his head, which caused him to screech again. He just sat there for a while, keeping his head completely still in his arms and not daring to think about anything even remotely complex, when all of a sudden, he heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello, Mr 2."

Shouldn't have said that. This, of course, confused Intern 2 and caused him to think. Who was this mystery man? Where did he come from? How does he know that's my actual surname? Intern 2 then realised he was thinking too much and prepared for the pain. Wait for it... wait for it...

"Wait, why isn't my head hurting?" he asked himself, his head still buried in his arms.

"I'm protecting you."

Intern 2 snapped his head up. He saw a man with a sharp red and black suit and untidy dark hair, with two horns on his forehead. He also... wait, horns? He also had a very pretty face... Dammit Intern 2, you have a girlfriend! Kind of...

"W-who are you?"

"You tell me."

Confused by his response, Intern 2 inspected the stranger more closely. The horns were definitely not fake. The man held a large sceptre/spear sort of thing in his left hand with spiked edges. His suit looked clean and straight, like it had just been bought. Other than his slightly lopsided bowtie and messy hair, this man looked very smart. Either Intern 2 was drunk or he had just seen the Devil.

"You're... you're Satan."

"WHAT?? No I am not! What made you think that?!"

"Oh my word, I'm sorry, I don't know what I wa-"

"Ah, who am I kidding, of course I'm Satan! Who else would I be?"

Intern 2's jaw dropped right to the floor. It was definitely him.

"But, wh... what are you doing here?" His voice cracked and went unnaturally high when saying the first syllable of "doing".

"I need to talk to you, Mr 2. About that flowchart of yours." He pointed next to Intern 2 where Flowchart still sat. "Don't think I don't know about you two. I'm Satan. I see everything. No hiding from me. Now I dunno about you, but I think the idea of dating some dumb piece of paper is kinda lame."

That was it. Intern 2 jumped out of his seat and punched Satan in the jaw. The Devil pretended to be injured and held the side of his face before beginning to laugh.

"You can't hurt me! I'm Satan, idiot. I'm built like a murder tank."

A quiet white rage began to build up inside of Intern 2. "What do you want?" he growled through gritted teeth. He had only just met this guy, but he was beginning to hate him already.

"I already told you," he snickered, "I want to talk about you and... Flowchart."

"Just hurry up with it and leave."

"Listen, I'm here to help you, okay? I can tell you're perfect for each other, since, you know, you have no human friends..." Intern 2 wanted to punch him again, but he would only look like a fool. It took all his strength to keep from doing so. Satan could tell what he was thinking. He smirked before continuing. "That is why I put you together." Intern 2's eyes widened in disbelief. Satan chuckled. "Yep, you're like a match made in heaven. Kind of. More of like... a match made in hell... or wherever the hell I was when I paired you up. Haha, geddit? Wherever the hell... haha... Anyway, I wanted to give you some tips, because I need this to work out because of m- I mean nothing. Nothing."




"SHH! Okay so I just wanted to say that-"

"HEEEY INTERN 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Scene. Dammit. Intern 2 turned his head to look at where the scream was coming from. He turned back around to see the remnants of a flame disappearing. At this point, he realised that this was the guy talking to Indie earlier on. But wh-

"OH MY GOD, I posted to my Twitter, which connects to my Tumblr, which connects to..."

Intern 2 facepalmed, then remembered that Satan wasn't around to protect him any more and let out a small yelp of pain. Scene didn't seem to notice. She didn't even seem to notice when Intern 2 walked to the desk, grabbed Flowchart and left Scene to talk to herself.


A/N: what... what's this? a new chapter? WHAT? that is unheard of! But yeah it seems people seem to be enjoying this more than I thought (???) so I updated it! Is this a long chapter? It's longer than normal I think, so there you go! oh my god Best Of YGS 2 is TODAY. woooot also DID YOU HEAR ABOUT KINGDOM HEARTS 3??? E3 IS THE REASON FOR MY CREYS. As is Tobuscus. And Devilbuscus. I'm just rambling now.

But more importantly, 250+ READS??? LIKE WHAT THE HELL?????? (haha what the hell geddit) (i already made that joke)

*Lauren Lopez as Commissioner Gordon in Holy Musical B@man voice* alright, bye!

(if you understand that reference you are automatically my best friend like it or not) :)

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