Chapter 12

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(quick note: this story is set in the world of season 1 of MyMusic, where Nerdcore is still Hip Hop, Country is not a member of staff etc)

Intern 2 lifted his head, which suddenly felt like a massive weight, to look through his teary eyes at the blurred vision before him. The face he immediately saw was unmistakable.

It was Hip Hop.

Hip Hop. Intern 2's greatest, and perhaps only, friend in the MyMusic office. Standing and watching him grieve over this loss that he had just suffered. Had he been against Intern 2 all this time? Was he being used? Had those many hours watching movies, hanging out, been a waste of time? Intern 2 could do nothing but stare at Hip Hop. His posture was menacing, but something in his eyes said that he didn't want to do this. He stared down at Intern 2, his face twisted into a strange, nervous glare, and he began to speak with his shaking voice.

"I'm sorry, Intern 2, but I c-can't allow you to leave this room." In fact, Intern 2 had never seen Hip Hop this nervous.

His thoughts hadn't quite settled in yet. The reality of the situation was hard for him to understand. It was like his mind had gone completely blank and somebody else was speaking for him.

"Hip Hop?" he said quietly. It felt like the words were being drawn out of his lips without his consent.

Hip Hop hesitated for a moment before speaking in a monotone voice, "So you finally figured it out, huh? It was me all along." The look he gave Intern 2... it was almost like he was... pleading him. For some sort of escape.

"But... but we were... we were best friends, Hip Hop. What happened?"

Again, Hip Hop hesitated for a few seconds before speaking. He sighed a shaky sigh. "Did you really think so? Wow. You're stupider than I thought."

Intern 2 wasn't having any of this. Hip Hop didn't sound at all believable. Something was very, very wrong.

"What's going on, Hip Hop? This isn't you and I know it. I'm not that stupid."

Hip Hop looked around nervously before whispering, "Listen Intern 2, he put this thing in my ear, told me if I don't do what he says he'll get me, you have to be quick Intern 2, or he'll get you too!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait, who are you talking abo-" His words were interrupted by the sudden sight of Hip Hop falling to the ground, as if some electric jolt had been sent through him. Next to him, lying forgotten on the floor, was what looked like an earpiece. Intern 2 picked it up and placed it in his ear, still holding the paper shredder. He was greeted with an all too familiar voice.

"Ah, Intern 2, I see you've found my special earpiece. Pretty handy, isn't it? More useful than that damn flowchart, at least."

"Of course it's you. It was always you, all along. Indie."

"And he's finally caught on! I thought he'd never make it! I've gotta say, Intern 2, you solved this whole thing kinda quickly. Well, I wouldn't say quickly. Maybe faster than his aunt Beverly can stand up, but that would be pushing it."

Needless to say, Intern 2 was infuriated by this comment. "Don't. Bring. My. Aunt. Into. This."

All at once, Intern 2 rammed into the door, causing it to swing open as he ran at super sonic speeds towards Indie's office. He could hear him rambling some words through the earpiece, but it all sounded like nonsense to him as he focused on getting to the office. It felt like he was running for miles and that door didn't seem to get any closer. He was well on his way to get there, though. When suddenly, he tripped. He tripped, and he landed right in the office of his boss.

His head hurt and his vision became blurry again, so much that he could barely make out his surroundings. The room was spinning and his head felt light, almost as if he could drift off to sleep straight away. He began to feel drowsy and sleepy.

Just before he lost consciousness, he heard Indie speak. "I see you've finally made it, Intern 2. Too bad that little friend of yours can't be here with you. And now I've got you here with this convenient little paper shredder, it never will."


A/N: okay first of all sorry it's so short! It's half past five in the morning so yeah. I was inspired to write because I was just casually looking at my profile (as you do) and OH MY GOD 1000 READS. GUYS. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME. Jeez, I never thought I'd get any more than 10! So to those of you who read this, THANK YOU. So much. It's so amazing that some people take their time to read this story. I may or may not have been crying all evening because Phil Lester said yo to me on his liveshow. "YO ABIGAIL! She gave me a yo. That's the yo for Abigail." SO MANY TEARS. and then he mentioned me again later on and ugh best day ever. I'm sorry for rambling but Phil is my favourite person in the world, I hope you understand. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit better. Have a great day! :)

(song: New Born by Muse because it is the best and I love it a lot)

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