Chapter 5: Crocodile Tears

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Bruce Wayne's P.O.V

"Waylon Jones?" Asks Oliver, picking up a note from one of the crates and turning it over in his hands.

"Barbara?" I ask.

"I'm on it." She says, wheeling herself back around to the computer.

"It can't be possible." I mutter to myself, already lost deep in my thoughts as Barbara begins typing on the computer, pulling up a document.

"Oh but it is. Two hours ago a Mr. Waylon Jones just escaped from Arkham Asylum. A hole drilled straight to his cell. Someone released him. According to the police report, it looks like he must have left hours ago. The tunnel that had been dug led straight to the sewers.That pipeline leads to the mains. heading straight to Star City. Several search teams have already been sent yet no one has returned" Her voice shaking as she must be thinking about her father.

She pulls up a video of Vicki Vale as she begins to cover the story.

"A mister Waylon Jones, dubbed Killer Croc has just escaped from Arkham Asylum. Sources say that he broke out to come after Gotham's 'Dark Knight' for putting him in the asylum. Waylon Jones served 20 years in jail and then was released and spent three years working as an alligator wrestler. Here is where he got the name Killer Croc. He moved to Gotham where he was continuously thwarted by Batman. He has had a personal vendetta to take down the masked vigilante ever since..." Vicki Vales nasal voice soon became a background noise.

I rest my head in the palms of my hands and breathe out a sigh. Hoping to release some of the built up frustration and anger that had nestled there ever since Richard was taken.

"Waylon Jones. Waylon Jones. I have no time for Waylon Jones!" My voice rises in loudness with each sentence.

"You seriously don't' think that this is a mere accident do you. 'Worlds greatest detective'. Use your head and read between the lines, Bruce. The Joker is sending you a message. Waylon Jones is who you need to speak to.Do you think that it is just a coincidence that he is heading straight to Star City?" Oliver queen spits at me.

"I don't think he wants to talk." Roy Harper says, I look up as he is peering over the shoulder of Barbara.

"You've put him away nine times in the past eleven years. He obviously hates you. It says here that he's more reptile than human,that's impossible, isn't it?"

"No. Skin disease. Mutated him. Dense scaled skin. Superhuman strength. Razor sharp teeth and claws. Every second he is mutating, getting stronger. It is getting harder to stop him." I say putting on my cowl.

"Where are you going?" Barbara demands.

"You can't possibly go in there without a plan!" Shouts Oliver.

"I have defeated him before, I will go by myself. I started as a young man with no help from anyone else, I defeated Waylon Jones. I am now a man and I can defeat him again." I growl turning towards the door, heading to the batmobile that is stationed by the batpod and the various vehicles owned by Oliver Queen.

Climbing in as fast as I can, I speed out into the darkness of the night. Cloaking myself in the darkness, I find a small release. Being by myself, in the dark. Where I was meant to be from the beginning.

The silence was quickly terminated by the soothing voice of Barbara Gordon.

"Bru- I mean Batman, I can't help you down there. No video cameras in the sewers. I am part of your team. Not Oliver. Not Roy. Don't shut me out, keep me posted and let me help where I can."

I keep silent as I weave through Star city.

"Where's the best way into the sewers?" I ask.

"Three more blocks on the right, there's a grate that has the easiest access. Leads down to a narrow passage which will lead to the main sewers. Bruce. Those sewers are like catacombs, what's to say that he is even in star city? He only escaped from AA two hours ago!" Says Barbara, flustered and exasperated.

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