Nightwing |||

183 9 1

-6 hours after taken-

I need to get a grip on myself, I am better than the pain that is threatening to own my body. I shake my head slightly, sweat drips from the ends of my hair, flicking into my eyes. I blink hard, trying to look at my surroundings. Bruce had taught me so much about the ways of dealing with pain and how to overcome it. He had spent years training his body to welcome the pain, accept it rather than trying to mask and shy away from it.

I did a mental check over of my body and my injuries, a concussion is likely, broken ribs, torn muscles. The lacerations I had felt earlier seemed to be the least of my problems.Someone had bandaged my stomach but I can't feel the injury, only the piping hot pain that rippled its way around my body. The only injury that I could not place was the intense pain that seemed to emanate from my blood itself, it was as if my insides were made of molten lava and there was no way of stopping the pain.

I take three deep breaths, I think of Barbara. Her face, her smile, her laugh. Everything about her. She is my home and my happiness and I need to find a way of getting back to her.

I survey my surroundings, the room was still so dark but my eyes were finally beginning to adjust. I look to the direction that Harley had just walked away to, there was a door there. She reached to pull it open and in walked him.

The Joker.

Rage fuelled my body, it almost seemed to heal the wounds that coated my body, there was no pain anymore just white hot anger.

Our eyes locked, he continued to cackle, he would not look away and neither would I. 

"Puddin!" Harley jumped towards him, throwing her arms around his neck, she gave him a disgustingly sloppy kiss before she turned towards me. "Look what I brought you, just like you asked me to" they walked toward me, arm in arm. Harley looked at him, he looked at me whilst I looked at him. Like always Harley was always the odd one out.

He did not even bother to look at her before saying "Leave", he licked his vibrantly painted lips as he looked at me, as if I were a meal he was about to devour.

"But Puddin!" she exclaimed but he gave her a harsh shove. She tried as best she could to hide her pain but she left obediently.

We were left to look at each other, he drew up a chair to sit in front of him. He lounged on it, sitting backwards, not saying anything, only staring. He drew a cigar from the inside of his vibrant green suit jacket and lit it with a silver lighter.

The more he just sat there, comfortably, the more rage I felt, it might just devour me. This was the man that had taken so much away from me, hurt the people I love the most in this world.

The rage bubbled up and out of me and I let out a roar. The corner of his mouth tugged up, he blew a cloud of smoke out before letting out a menacing cackle. I spat a mouthful of bloodied saliva at his feet.

"I hate you!" I yelled, these words did not seem to cover the amount of hatred I feel for him.

"Why do you hate me so much? I don't recall doing anything to you, boy blunder?" he asked casually.

"You killed him!" tears threatened to fall, I would not show him how vulnerable I feel I am right now.

He cocked an eyebrow, feigning confusing "Oh" he gasps, pretending to come to a sudden realisation. He laughed again "Jason Todd" he said slowly.

The Birds of Prey: Nightwing (Batman Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now