Chapter 2: Optimism

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Gnawing, biting , ravaging, bleeding, clawing, dark, death, deception.

All of these words could describe the feeling that is going on inside of my head. Unmistakable pain oozed from every part of me, it seems as if fire is weeping from every pore in my body. But, nothing could compare to the pain in my heart, wrapped in a cold challis of fire and ice.Nothing could soothe this pain. Maybe, except for him.

Fire as red as the hair on my head danced before my eyelids. Licking at the corners of my vision, enticing me to give up. but I can't, I must fight it, I must fight it so I can be with him.

'But, what if he actually is dead?' 

This thought blazed into my head  like wildfire, ripping and burning any memories from my mind. Branding my brain with horrible memories of his mangled body. 

"Maybe I should give up. Just to be with him again' 

I would do anything just to be with him again, ever since I saw him when I went to college I knew that he just had to be mine. I could have swam in the pools of his eyes.

His eyes, glassy and unseeing. His skin, the colour of deaths pale hue. His hair, almost a blue-black colour, disheveled and unkempt. His lips, frozen in a grimace-

My thoughts raced on for ever, or what felt like forever, until the fire behind my eyes died down and the darkness settled.


"Barbara..." Pain. "Barbara...Can you hear me?" Even more pain. 

I snapped my eyes open, tears flood my vision as a bright light burns from high above. That seems to be the only light in the room, the rest is darkness. 

Panting and gasping for air, I realize that there is someone else in the room as well. My vision sharpened like a razor after being Batman's accomplice for a few years before the accident. I twist my neck to the side, pain splintered off down my spine, stopping just above my waist.

I see a pair of familiar blue eyes peered at me through the darkness.


This ember of a thought instantly sizzled down after my eyes adjusted to the darkness. No, it wasn't Richard but it was Bruce.

"Bruce...?" My voice croaks and rasps.

He sweeps over to me in an instant, swiftly going over to a table over by the end of the bed. He is facing away from me, pouring a glass of water. I take this time to study him. He is wearing only half of his bat suit, revealing his tortured back. Scars carved onto his back, flowing seamlessly over his rippling muscels. His dark black hair is slicked back with water. He lifts a hand to run his hand through his hair and sighs. He turns around stalks back towards me, he lifts me into a sitting posiotion on the bed that I am lying in, he tips the cool water into my mouth.

As I swallow gratefully he says "Barbara, something terrible is happening. This is far past me now, I need to get help. Dick, he was pushed off that ledge and taken hostage. I don't know what will happen to him but I know that he is alive. And that is the most important thing right now."

"Who? Who took him hostage? The joker?" I was glad to hear that my voice wasn't croaking with exhaustion or even shaking with fear but instead it was strong with defiance.

"I am certain that he has something to do with this." His voice laced with malice.

"Promise me" I gripped at his arm and look him straight in the eye, which I have now noticed have turned to a dark black colour. "Promise me that you will help me get him back"

"I promise. Barbara, he was..." He said "He is like a son to me" He corrected himself, clutching my hand. "But I can't do this by myself. I need help. I need help from you and many others. I have already made a few calls".

"A few calls?" I ask, confused.

"Barbara, you have been out for two days." He states.

I take time to comprehend what he just said to me. Two days. Richard has been gone for two days and he has only made a few calls. Anger pulses through my  veins like lit gasoline. Pulsing its way around my body and to my heart.

 "Why haven't you done any more?" My voice raises to a shout.

"I am doing all I can, I was waiting for you to wake up before I took any drastic actions. You would have been much more angrier if you had woken up to confusion and no answers"

He talks soothingly, trying to calm me down. His voice is like a velvet sea, sending a wave over my burning body. Calming down my anger.

"You're right...You're right" I repeat these words, as my anger subsides.

"Who did you call?" I ask with mild curiosity.

"Oliver Queen, he was uncertain. Helena Bertinelli, she said that she would help if she could. And a few others you wouldn't know. but I need you Barbara. After all those years waiting at your fathers side at the police station. Working their. You have a near photographic memory. I need you."

I mulled this over in my head.

"I can't be Batgirl anymore, those days have passed. I can't even walk let alone fight. What do you expect me to do? I can't do anything! I'm useless!" As I said this tear leaked over the edges of my eyes and spilled into my lap, closely followed by many more. Bruce was quick to wipe them away.

"You know your strong, so strong. you can be my eyes and ears. and you are the smartest person I know. Alone I am weak but together we can be strong."

Maybe I could do this. I thought to myself. I twist my self to take in for the first time my surroundings. i was,in fact, in the batcave after all. The walls glistened with a fresh coat of water, gleaming black and menacing, towering far above my head.

I breathe in deeply, the air is thick with the smell of salt water and must, infiltrating my senses. I catch a glimpse of the batmobile, slender and glossy, I missed it. Missed riding in the car beside him. But more than anything I miss the exhilarating feeling of flying, wind blowing through my hair, towards my target. I missed being a vigilante.

"Fine" My voice echoes through the now silent chamber.

"Fine?" He questions.

"Fine, i'll do it. i will be your accomplice again. But I need a new alias though"

He gives me a knowing look, standing up and walking towards one of his super computers, a small smile tugging at his lips.


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