Chapter 6: Ace Chemicals

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Batman's P.O.V

I stand in the shower, one hand laid against the cold tiles whist red hot water rolls over my head, scalding my back. Images flicker before my eyes, of my son. My first son. Young Richard Grayson, a small boy with a love for acrobatics. I had gone to see a Flying Grayson's show, watched as his parents died, killed by Tony Zucco. He was distraught, just as I had been when I had watched my parents die. I think that is what drew me towards him, I felt a connection between our pasts, only if I knew then that our futures were connected as well. I took him in, he hated it at first, missed his parents so much but one day I caught him crying and I held him. After that I knew I could not let him go through the foster system and I adopted him as my own, my ward. It broke me when he became Nightwing and left for Bludhaven, filled with contempt towards me and Barbara. The sting of my betrayal never faded. He walked away from me then, but now he has been taken. I need to find him, not just for me but for Barbara as well.

I sigh heavily. Blinking away the water and memories, watching them swill down the drain. We are waiting until it is dark,  before we drive back to find Isely. I have been standing in the shower for almost an hour and I decide that I can not be alone, when I am alone I delve too deep into the memories that haunt me.I step out of the shower and throw on a pair of jogging bottoms and some trainers that Oliver had given me, drying my hair on a towel. I check the clock. 3:30. In approximately five hours we will be back in Gotham City and I will be able to find Isely.

I make my way down to the Arrowcave, I could hear Barbara, Oliver and Roy talking heatedly, their shouts echoing around the cave. As I approach I can see Barbara who looked like she had not even slept, just changed her clothes, her cheeks flame red as she shouts louder.

"What's happened?" I ask, voice weary, hollow.

All three of them look at me. Barbara now has tears in her eyes and she pressed the palms of her hands into them.

"They think we should back off, sorry pardon my mistake, they are the ones that want to back off!" Her voice rising in its volume with each word.

"Listen, Bruce, I need to take care of my own city here. You are bringing your problems to my turf and expect me to up end what I am doing to help your personal problems! I will lend you my accommodations, I will let you use my equipment but I need to sort out my own shit right now." He says, matter of factly.

"Fine" I say, turning my back to them and rubbing my hand across my face.

"Fine?Fine! We have looked for weeks, looked for someone to help looked for any lead" She is all but screaming now, and I turn to look at her, tears now rolling down her face. "We need him back... I need him back" She says, voice fading to a whisper.

The cave is quiet, the tension is thick enough to slice.

"We now have a strong lead, it has been just you and me for a while now and we can do it again" I turn to Oliver "Oliver, thank you for what you have done so far, truly. I understand your commitment to your City and I admire it completely as it is the same commitment that I have to my own. All I ask of you now is that I can rely on you, If I really need your help I will ask and you will help me. After this is over I will owe you one and that is a position that not many people will be in." I say, as I finish Oliver walks towards me slowly and stops in front of me.

He holds out his hand "I wish you the best of luck, Bruce. And of course you can count on me."

I shake it firmly, smiling briefly. He turns and jogs over to his motorcycle where Roy is now waiting.

"Give my best to Black Canary" Says Barbara, sniffing slightly and wheeling back to her computer. Both Roy and Oliver speed away out of sightly.

"Let's leave" I say, hoping that I have not just made a mistake that could cost me the life of my son.

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