Chapter 3: Meeting Apophis

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Zahra laid on her bed, Aladdin was fast asleep in a corner of the room. But Zahra could not rest and she sat up. 'I can not sleep.' She thought. Zahra stood up and walked outside of the balcony she had. Zahra stared up to sky, many stars twinkled as she stared. "I wonder what those are, they are so bright." Zahra said to herself. Zahra decided to go outside. Zahra walked out of her palace, though it was late, but she of course didn't understand the late night. Zahra continued to stare up to the sky. But soon she heard a snap of a twig and she looked to see a figure. The figure looked like a snake, the glowing venom eyes of a snake. Zahra gasped quietly and stepped back. "W-who is there?" She asked. The figure began to slither towards her and she stepped back. "No need to fear me, I am a friend." Said the figure. The moon's light gave Zahra a clear look at the figure. The figure was male, and had a body of a giant snake. His fangs shown brightly. "My name is Apophis, it is a pleasure meeting the goddess of most gods, Zahra." Apophis said slithering until he was in front of Zahra. Zahra became shy and looked down. Apophis scanned Zahra's body closely. "Such a beautiful goddess you are indeed, your name is very fitting as well." He said. Zahra blushed a little. "W-what does it mean to be beautiful?" Zahra stuttered nervously. "Why it is something that someone such as yourself holds, beauty is not what everyone has, but it is something they all want, you represent beauty in many ways." He said caressing Zahra's cheeks. Zahra blushed madly and looked down. "I-I...t-thank you." Zahra stuttered. Apophis chuckled and raised Zahra's head to make her face him. "How cute." He simply said. Apophis again slithered around Zahra, making her unable to escape, but she didn't know this. Apophis stopped right in front of her. Apophis looked deeply into her eyes. "Such beautiful eyes you have." He said. Zahra continued to blush, but she felt as though she was not in control of herself. Apophis' green snake eyes were very distracting to her and that's all she could think. Apophis leaned forward until his snake fangs were hovering over Zahra's neck. He then bit down, his black venom coursing through Zahra's body. Zahra didn't feel anything for that matter. Zahra felt extremely tired and passed out. Apophis smirked and picked Zahra up bridesmaid style. Without being seen he swiftly entered the palace and placed Zahra back on her bed. Apophis put a hand over Zahra's neck where he bit her and a black aura glowed around his hand. The bite mark disappeared like she was never bitten. He caressed her cheek. "Such a beautiful goddess you are, you have no idea what trouble you are in." He said. Apophis leaned forward and kissed where he bit her. "Farewell, until next time." Apophis said and disappeared without a trace. As he disappeared Zahra shifted a bit and groaned. Two green snake like tattoos formed on her arms and hissed before disappearing. Zahra soon relaxed and continued to sleep peacefully.

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