Chapter 12: The Serpent Goddess has Been Bored

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Hours have went by before they knew it. Zahra has learned more of Anubis' past life and more of the job of being a god or goddess. "So each God or goddess carries their own staff?" Zahra asked. "Yes, like the one I have now. Each staff represents your class, my staff represents its dominance and power, you will be given a staff based on your class too." Anubis said. "That is interesting, do they hold power, or energy?" Zahra asked. "At some point they do, you could release your energy through a staff." Anubis said. Zahra nodded. "What about the way we control the lands, like what if some were to have troubles, when would we take part?" Zahra asked. "We are set off to do our job unless we are to be spoken from a payer." Anubis said. "Alright." Zahra said. The two continued to walk until the four gods and goddesses rushed up to them. "Anubis! Zahra! Come quick!" Nut said. "What? What is the meaning of this?" Anubis asked. "It is Apophis, he is leading an army of deadly snakes he created, he is chasing chaos to Egypt!" Seth said. Anubis and Zahra looked at each other before nodding. The six rushed to the pond. Upon being there they walked into the pond and were transported to Egypt. In the desert they looked to see Ra, Thoth, and other gods and goddesses that Zahra either knew, or haven't met most. "We have to make sure that Apophis does not make it to any of the villages!" Thoth shouted. "I am getting too old for this." Ra said. Zahra looked over before gasping. "Anubis there he is!" Zahra said. Everyone looked to see snakes of all demonic and kinds, leading them was Apophis. He soon came to a stop, smirking. "Well what do we have here, a party." Apophis said. "Give it up now Apophis, you stand no chance against all of us!" Ra shouted. Apophis looked at them with small interest before he chuckled darkly. "I may not, but I know who can help me with that." He said. Apophis snapped his fingers. Zahra only stood before she looked down to see shadow like snakes emerge from the ground and wrapped around her. Zahra gave a scream of fright. "Zahra!" Hathor called. Before anyone could process Zahra was brought over to Apophis, she looked at him with fear. "Tsk tsk, such a shame to see you like this, they must have filled you with such lies." Apophis said. "L-lies?" Zahra asked. "Do not listen to him, he's nothing but a slithering snake!" Sekhmet shouted. Zahra looked away from Apophis. "Why of course. Surely they do not care for you as much as you think. They are the ones you should not listen to." Apophis said with a smirk. Zahra slowly looked at Apophis. "Here is an example, most of the gods and goddesses think that you are very weak, they might have trained you, but you deserve so much more than that...and I can give it to you." Apophis said. "L-lies! They are all lies!" Zahra said shaking her head with tears while she thrashed and struggled to have freedom. Apophis showed a blank expression before he smiled and held out a hand to her head. Suddenly Zahra stopped, the thrashing, the struggling, it all stopped. "Apophis let her go!" Anubis shouted with anger. Apophis grinned before leaning forward to Zahra's ears. Whispers of Arabic words spoke, a chant, a spell in which he spoke in that language. Zahra's eyes widen, her eyes flashing to venom green. Apophis soon stopped and let go of Zahra, releasing the snakes from around. Before she fell Apophis caught her. "Time for the flower to bloom." He said. Zahra suddenly screamed, her eyes turning full venom green, the marking coming back. She began to form a dark green aura around her body. Snakes hissed in unison. Zahra was transforming, her body was filled with hatred, insane, chaotic thoughts. Her outfit changed to green and white, and she grew larger snake fangs. Apophis had let go during the transformation. Soon everything had calmed down. A feminine laugh could be heard. "Oh my Ra." Hathor said with wide eyes. Zahra had been formed into her Serpent goddess form. "My such power this feels, I feel, so different." Zahra said with a smile as she examined herself. Zahra looked to Apophis. "Explain yourself, what have I become?" Zahra asked. "Only your, Serpent goddess form." Apophis said with a smirk. Zahra looked at her hands. "I wonder..." Zahra said before looking to the other gods and goddess. Zahra's mouth formed an evil grin and she reached her hands out, hissing could be heard, and she shot out giant snakes. "Everyone move!" Thoth shouted. Most jumped out of the way. Zahra smiled as she continued sending giant snakes at them. Apophis watched with amusement as she were the one causing havoc. Zahra looked around before seeing a certain goddess. Zahra shot snakes at Bastet, catching her off guard before wrapping a snake around her. Zahra walked forward. "What was that you have said before? Do not think being a goddess is easy, it could get me killed?" Zahra asked. Bastet couldn't answer as Zahra made the snake tighten around her as she tried to struggle. Zahra chuckled. "I beg to differ that position." Zahra said. "Zahra stop!" She heard someone shout. Zahra looked to see the five. Anubis stepped forward, "Zahra you must stop, you are consumed by chaos and snakes, we can help you get rid of-" "Enough, I have had it with your lies! You all have treated me like some lost mummy for too long! And now..." Zahra chuckled and looked at them with glowing venom eyes. "It is my turn to push you all around!" She shouted before releasing snakes at them. They jumped out of way before they could get hit. "We are not the ones with lies Zahra, you have to believe us! Think of all the things we have done for you!" Nut shouted. Zahra stopped, taking a step back. A side of her wanted to stop the havoc, the other wanted to continue. "I-I..." Zahra began. 'Do not listen to them, they only want you to stop so they may feel more powerful against you!' She heard Apophis scream in her head. Zahra growled. "I will not be fooled! Not this time! Not ever!" She screamed. She gave a cry as the black aura grew around her, creating a giant orb around her.

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