Chapter 8: A Celebration

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As the morning came, Anubis walked over to the palace Zahra accompanies. Anubis walked inside and walked over to where her resting place is. Anubis put a hand on her doorknob and opened the door, walking in. Anubis expected to see Zahra, awake and ready to leave. But Zahra was still peacefully asleep, hugging her pillow. Anubis seemed to smile a little, thinking of how adorable she slept. Anubis also blushed a little at the thought of thinking her as adorable. He shook his head and walked forward to Zahra. Anubis gently nudge Zahra awake. Zahra's eyes fluttered opened and she looked up to Anubis. Her eyes widen and she shot out of bed. "S-sorry I must have overslept." Zahra stuttered blushing embarrassedly. Anubis lightly chuckled. "It is alright, we have plenty of time, I will leave for you to get ready." Anubis said walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. Zahra blinked a couple of times and looked around. 'Maybe there will be a celebration, so I must dress properly for today.' She thought. Zahra walked over to a closet cabinet and opened it, revealing plenty of outfits for her. Zahra looked through before seeing an outfit, in which she chose for the special day. Zahra changed into her outfit and wore a headdress. Zahra nodded and patted Aladdin's head before leaving the palace to meet Anubis. As she walked she saw someone who she has never seen before. Like Horus and Thoth, this god was a bird type. Zahra shyly walked behind Anubis, so the gods wouldn't see her, as she quickly made sure both gods didn't notice. But one of them were very smart. "You do not need to hide, come from behind Anubis." Said the god. Zahra shyly came from behind Anubis, shyly looking up to him. "I am Ra, god of sun, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Zahra." Ra said with a smile. Ra, that name was mentioned a lot of times, Zahra always wanted to meet him, but now that she is, it's very different than she expected. Zahra was extremely shy. "U-um, hi." She stuttered softly. "I heard some stories about you, I would like to congratulate you on the event, I am sure the Pharaoh will pull a celebration." Ra said. Zahra shyly smiled and nodded. "Thank you." She said. Ra nodded with a smile and began to walk away. Zahra looked to Anubis. "Why would the Pharaoh put a celebration?" She asked. "Whenever a new god or goddess is born, the people of Egypt put a celebration of a new guardian of Egypt, they would make statues or even a new pyramid dedicated to him or her." Anubis said. "Really, that is a nice thing to do." Zahra said. "Yes, and it seems there will be a celebration, why don't we accompany it?" Anubis asked. Zahra smiled big and clapped her hands. "Yes, we get to go to a celebration." She said cheerfully. Anubis gave a small smile. "Come along Zahra, we will go to Egypt for the announcement of your celebration." Anubis said walking to the pond. Zahra cheerfully followed behind. Once they came upon the pond they walked in, the pond glowing brightly. They were now in Egypt. They went to a temple where the Pharaoh was, they hid as he was going to announce to his people. "My people, I have been not able to rest for a while, but last night, I have saw something very magnificent." He began. Zahar listened closely. "A voice as soothing as the Niles was sung to everyone, I saw a figure on one of the pyramids." He said. "I saw a black panther." One said. "I also saw a panther." Another said. "Maybe it is a gift from the gods and goddesses." Another said. The Pharaoh held up a hand to silent the crowd. "My people, I do agree, but this panther is much different, a female body, and the looks like a goddess, blooming like a flower." He said. "Are you saying, we have a new goddess among us?" One asked. The Pharaoh nodded. "This goddess has helped me rest, and washed away my troubles, a goddess of dreams and music." He said. The Pharaoh seemed to think. "She shall be welcomed here, a name shall be given." He said. Everyone began to say random names. But the Pharaoh felt as though he knew her name. "Zahra, Zahra the goddess of dreams and music." He said. Everyone nodded and whispered to each other. "Today and tonight, we shall have a celebration, for the goddess of dreams and music." The Pharaoh said. The crowd cheered to the idea of having a new goddess. Zahra looked up to Anubis with a huge smile. "They are really have a celebration, I thought I was just helping them." Zahra said. "You did, and for that, they celebrate a new guardian, a god or goddess that protects them all from troubles, they show their gratitude for that." Anubis explained. "Oh." Zahra said while nodding. Everyone began to exit out of temple. Anubis and Zahra hid as they all walked out. Anubis looked to Zahra. "We can make ourselves seem invisible, that way we will see the celebration without being caught by the mortals." He said. "How will we do that?" Zahra asked. "By becoming the animals we are." Anubis said. "Animals we are?" Zahra asked. Anubis nodded. "We must become the animals we represent, you do not know the spell yet, so I will help you." Anubis said. Anubis lightly grabbed ahold of Zahra's hands and held them. Zahra blushed a little. Anubis began to say a spell that Zahra was unaware of. After that, they both began to transform. Zahra looked at herself to see she was a full panther, and Anubis was a full jackal. 'Let us go now, we will not want to miss the celebration.' Anubis said in their thoughts. Zahra nodded and they walked out of the temple. When everyone saw the two they smiled. "Aw look at that, a jackal and a panther." One said. "What perfect legendary animals for the celebration." Another said. "I bet they are just perfect for each other." One said. Zahra blushed a little. Anubis seemed to try not to blush. A few children raced to the panther. Zahra smiled inside and nuzzled the children. They laughed and pet Zahra, some pet Anubis, who only sat there and let the children pet him. Zahra saw a child who had trouble walking. An adult was helping the child come to her. Zahra walked to the child and nuzzled the her legs. The little girl smiled and giggled, petting the panther. Zahra looked at the child's legs, a wave of energy shot through her and she nuzzled the little girl's legs again. This time the little girl seemed to walk perfectly fine. She smiled big and hugged Zahra. Zahra smiled and purred. "Come along children, the celebration is beginning." The adult said. All the children followed close behind as they all were getting ready for the celebration. 'Come on Zahra, we should also get going.' Anubis said. 'Okay.' Zahra said. The two began to walk around. 'I saw what you did back there, with that child.' Anubis said. 'What?' Zahra asked. 'You healed her legs, you must also be able to heal others.' Anubis said. 'Well, I guess that is something good.' Zahra said. People all around were handing out gifts and treats of all kinds. Children running around wearing masks of panthers. Zahra seemed to love everything. The dancing, the singing. It all continued until night came. Lights of flames came, and they introduced a new statue. Zahra admired it, the details were perfect and it seemed alive. Zahra happily walked around. Anubis followed to make sure she doesn't get lost. Anubis enjoyed the fact that Zahra was having a good time.

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