Chapter 13: The Goddess's True Revivings

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Zahra only stood there, her eyes fully venom green with no irises. "What is going on? What is happening to her?" Hathor asked. "She's in an egg, a serpent like egg, we need to think of a way to destroy it before she fully revives as a serpent goddess." Sekhmet said. "But how will we do that, I do not think we can just simply destroy it." Seth said. Anubis stood in silence, he thought...and he thought. Suddenly at great speed he rushed towards the orb. "Anubis wait!" Nut shouted. Anubis didn't hear nor did he listen, he only kept running, he gave a cry as he collided with the orb. Anubis was absorbed into the orb. "What in the name of Osiris is he doing!?" Sekhmet said. They all didn't answer. Anubis opened his eyes to only see darkness, and Zahra in the center, who paid no attention to him. Anubis walked to Zahra. "Zahra? Zahra!" Anubis called. Again she paid no attention to him, she almost seemed in a trance. "Zahra, if you can hear me, I apologize, I failed to protect you, I failed explain more to you." Anubis said as he kept walking. Zahra slowly looked at him, she crooked her head to the side. "But you are a goddess to us, you are powerful, you must understand that this is not the way to find your true abilities. Think of the well times you have been with us, how much you accomplish." Anubis said. Zahra only stared, but she looked down. Anubis walked up to Zahra and lifted her head up. Her eyes flashed to her original color back to the venom green eyes, and she had tears rolling down her face. "A-Anubis, I am afraid." Zahra said. "You do not need to be afraid, I am here, and I promise I will guide you through troubles the best I may and can do." Anubis said. Anubis saw that she still looked less afraid. "I promise, that you will be okay, I love you too much to let you get hurt." Anubis said. Anubis leaned forward, and they connected into a passionate kiss. A blast of light illuminated the deserts. The orb disappeared, revealing a figure floating. Anubis watched from the ground as the other four rushed up to him. "Anubis what did you do?" Seth asked. "I helped her recall positive pasts that helped her think." Anubis said not looking at them. The figure shown Zahra, in the verge of a golden aura, her outfit seemed more golden on white like before. She wore a different headdress and also had a golden staff. Zahra looked at the gods and goddesses before looking to Apophis. "Apophis, as goddess of others, I hereby, banish you in the depths of Osiris!" She said and shot a golden beam at Apophis. Apophis watched with wide eyes as he was consumed by the light. "Noooo!!" He screamed as all snakes disappeared with him. The brightness settled and everyone looked to see Zahra standing, but she wobbled a bit before falling forward. Anubis caught her. "Zahra, are you well?" Anubis asked. Zahra looked up to everyone and giggled. "Bastet is right, being a goddess is not easy." Zahra said. They chuckled or laughed. "Glad to have you back Zahra." Hathor said.

Hundreds of years later-
Zahra stared at the pond, watching as humanity leveled up their engineers She didn't understand it as much as they do. "Zahra what are you doing?" She heard Anubis ask. Zahra looked over to Anubis with a smile. "Hello Anubis, I am just watching the humans, it is very interesting how much experiences they have over the years." Zahra said. Anubis chuckled and stood beside her. "You have always been so curious about the humans." Anubis said. Zahra playfully punched him. "Oh come off it! You have as much curiosity as me." Zahra said. Anubis smiled before setting his head on her shoulder. "Anubis, thank you, I would not have been like this if if were not for you." Zahra said. "I could say the same thing, my little goddess." Anubis said. The two chuckled before laughing. "Not that little anymore." Zahra said. "No, but you are as delicate as a flower, hence your name." Anubis said. Zahra smiled and looked back to the pond. "Yes, I am a little flower, and I guess, I am a little goddess." Zahra said as the two continued to watch the pond. Throughout history ecologists have researched the pyramids and have found many hieroglyphs telling the story of The Little Goddess, also known as Zahra, goddess of other gods and goddesses.

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