Chapter 6: A Snake Is Released

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It was morning, that morning when Zahra was going to show everyone how much she improved. All the gods and goddesses gathered around the training field, Zahra stood in the middle. When Zahra looked to the main five, they nodded, signaling for her to start. Zahra repeated the moves that she did last night, perfecting each ability. Everyone watched with awe. When Zahra finished everyone clapped. Amun stepped forward. "Well done Zahra, you have improved over the week." Amun said. Zahra smiled. The main five walked next to them. "Now then, let us continue our day." Amun said. Everyone nodded and began to walk. Zahra nodded and stepped forward. But the familiar sharp pain came back and she fell to her knees, whimpering in pain. Hathor looked over and gasped. "Zahra, are you alright?" Hathor asked kneeling down to Zahra. Everyone looked to Zahra. Zahra had a couple tears flowing down her cheek. A snake hissing could be heard and Hathor stepped back. "Hathor, move out of the way!" Sekhmet yelled. Just as Hathor ran to everyone, a giant snake like aura grew around Zahra. The marks glowed as the snakes moved around her arm. Zahra looked at everyone, her eyes glowing green like a snake. From afar Apophis watched with a smirk. "Finally." He said and slithered away from sight. Zahra's hands touched the ground, the snakes on her arms slithered from her hands to the ground, like a shadow. They slithered towards the group and struck towards them. Anubis was able to easily block the attack, preventing the attack to hit them. "Everyone stay down, I will go and help Zahra." Anubis said. "Be careful." Nut said. Anubis nodded and looked to Zahra. Anubis just simply walked towards Zahra. He made a shield that would prevent the snakes from attacking him. Soon he was in front of Zahra. Anubis knelt down to her and gently grabbed her arms. Zahra looked up to him with tears. "Zahra, you need to control it." Anubis said firmly. "B-but I can not." Zahra said. "Yes you can, you have to believe you can." Anubis said. Zahra focused very hard. Soon the hissing was slowly stopping and the snake aura grew smaller, until it finally disappeared. Zahra was shaking a bit. Anubis picked Zahra up and carried her to the others. "What was that?" Sekhmet asked. The snakes were still around Zahra's arms, but they were still. "I am afraid that Apophis has already gotten to her as we were distracted." Amun said. Anubis looked down Zahra, who was still shaking by the energy outburst. Amun hovered his hand over Zahra, giving her a golden glow. The snakes soon disappeared. "I lowered the energy down, now Zahra, have you ever met Apophis?" Amun asked. Zahra looked up to Amun. "O-only once, late at night, outside." Zahra said. Everyone sighed. "What did he do or say?" Seth asked. Zahra blushed a lot and and buried her face. "H-he told me I had something that everyone wanted." Zahra said. "Do you remember what it was?" Nut asked. Zahra shook her head, being too shy to tell. "I only remember talking and suddenly falling asleep." She said. They looked at each other nervously. "Anubis, take Zahra to her room and come back, we all have matters to discuss." Amun said. Anubis nodded and carried Zahra to her room. "But I am okay." Zahra said. Anubis smiled a bit. "You were overwhelmed with a godly energy, it is best for you to rest." Anubis said. Zahra pouted. Anubis couldn't help but chuckle. 'How cute.' Anubis thought. Anubis laid Zahra down. Aladdin crawled over jumped onto the bed, licking Zahra's face. Zahra giggled and wiped her face. "I am okay Aladdin." Zahra giggled. Anubis nodded and exited the room, his expression turning to serious as he walked back with the others. As Anubis arrived Amun nodded. "I am afraid that Apophis has given Zahra the strength to control snakes, there is no telling what he will do now, so keep an extra close eye on Zahra." Amun said. They all nodded. Amun nodded back and walked away. Hathor seemed quite worried. "What is the the matter Hathor?" Sekhmet asked. "I just hope this is not too serious, it is bad enough Apophis has given her his energy, what if he does something worse, something unforgettable, or..." Hathor trailed off. "You must be calm and have faith, surely Zahra will soon learn to control it." Nut said. "But we do not know the stances and controls of his powers." Sekhmet said. "I may know, Apophis is also the god of chaos, so it may not be hard for me to try and teach her." Seth said. "But the snakes, what will we do of it?" Hathor asked. Anubis stepped forward. "We must keep that at bay, she will have to stay calm, I will make sure she is stable." Anubis said. Nut smiled. "I will agree, it is as though she is very fond of you." She said. Anubis gave a small smile. Sekhmet chuckled and elbowed Anubis lightly. "Do not tell me you do not know the meaning of fond." Sekhmet said. Anubis' smile disappeared quickly. "Do not joke, that is silly." Anubis said walking away. Sekhmet watched as he left before looking at Hathor and the others. "He is really fond of her." Sekhmet said snickering. Hathor nervously laughed. "I can not argue with that." Hathor said. Hathor walked towards Anubis, leaving the others. "You know Anubis, it is not hard for me to know that you are very fond of Zahra, just as she as is very fond of you." Hathor said. Anubis looked away. "I can not go through with it again, I will not let the same thing happen like Bastet and Horus again." Anubis said. Hathor frowned but smiled. "I know that was hard for you, but that was then, this is now, and you and Zahra are very well fond of each other now." Hathor said. Anubis didn't say anything. "Why do you not show Zahra the flower garden, I have seen she has a liking to nature." Hathor said. Hathor patted Anubis' back and walked away. Anubis looked back to Hathor before sighing. 'I will show her tomorrow, Zahra is in need of rest.' Anubis thought while walking to his palace.

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