Chapter 11: A Lot More Explaining

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Soon they returned back to the Heavens of Egypt. Zahra was happy that she did not fall into the hands of one of the most dangerous gods. Anubis didn't show it, but he too was happy to be with Zahra. "So you finally got with this, jackal." A voice said. The two turned to see Bastet and Horus. Anubis slowly rolled his eyes, but kept his expression blank. "What do you two want now?" He asked calmly. They both glared at Anubis. "None of your concern." Horus said. Zahra raised an eyebrow. "Then what do you want?" She asked. "Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you that you are making a big mistake." Bastet said. Zahra tried to think before she too glared. "Anubis is not a mistake, I would have been lost without his help." Zahra said trying to defend Anubis. "Zahra, it is alright, let us just leave them." Anubis said before walking away. Bastet scoffed. "That is just what you did to us, just so you could work in the underworld, do not try to waste your time with him Zahra, unless you want to be a nothing, like him." Bastet said. Something in Zahra clicked and she stopped walking. "If it were not for Anubis, you would not have been born, maybe we would have become great friends if he did not waste his time with you." Horus said. Zahra began to growl before looking back at the two with green venom eyes and hissed, like a snake. A hand was put on her shoulder and she looked back to Anubis. "Do not listen to them, let us go." Anubis said. Zahra's eyes began to return to normal. "B-but Anubis..." She began. Anubis shook his head. "Let them worry of their own past, I have long forgotten of mine." Anubis said. Zahra was going to protest, but she only sighed. "Alright." Zahra said. Just as they walked Bastet scoffed and turned. "Some goddess you are." She said. Zahra clenched her fist, her eyes flashed to her green venom eyes. The two continued to walk in silence, Zahra was thinking before she suddenly stopped. Anubis looked over and stopped too, seeing her just staring off to space. Anubis walked back to her. "Zahra, is all well?" Anubis asked. Zahra looked up to him. "Yes, why do you ask?" Zahra asked. "Your eyes show venom green like a snake." Anubis said. Zahra blinked, her eyes returning to normal. "Oh." Was all she said before walking forward. Anubis trailed behind her until he was again beside her. "Anubis?" Zahra asked. "Yes Zahra?" Anubis asked. "What happened between the three of you, if I may ask?" Zahra asked. Anubis sighed before he continued to walk. "It was thousands of years ago, when the three of us were a group, Bastet, was my first lover I had, and Horus, was what I thought to be my full brother. But, when I realized my full origins, and was given my title to become God of death, I have told both that I did not want to be part of anything, for they did not know how much I hated to abandon them. After that I worked with Osiris, god of resurrection and the green fertile, he and I worked together to guide the souls of Egypt to a better life, but in the mean, Bastet and Horus grew to have hatred for me." Anubis said. Zahra showed concern. "But I learned to forget about what the two though, and continued my life as I wished." Anubis said. Zahra nodded before she looked down. Zahra was thinking, and she soon smiled. "Well, I met Sobek, he seemed quite nice." Zahra said. Something made Anubis smile. "Indeed he is, I first met him while I walked through the Nile river, he so happened to be following out of curiosity, when I noticed him at first I thought he was log, but when I realized he was a god I questioned him, he revealed himself and spoke that he thought I was somewhat strange, and I had thought the same way. He offered a walk and I accepted it. We soon became good friends, he knew about my troubles and would comfort me in a way, when he tries to help someone, he does it without understanding why they are upset." Anubis said with a chuckle. Zahra giggled a bit as they walked. "You two seem quite close, are you two somewhat competitive in a way?" Zahra asked. "Not really, unless you meet one of the Greek gods." Anubis said. "Greek gods? What are Greek gods?" Zahra asked. Anubis chuckled. "We are the gods and goddesses of Egypt, there are many more gods and goddesses who live in different countries or regions. You will get to meet most at some point in time." Anubis said. Zahra nodded. "That is interesting." Zahra said while thinking. Zahra soon noticed something. "Anubis?" Zahra asked. "Yes Zahra?" Anubis answered. "What happens to the pharaohs when they die?" Zahra asked. "Well, at first I use my mummification to make a burial for them. I and Osiris then judge their hearts on a scale. If they hearts are lighter than the mystical feather, their soul may rest peacefully, but if heavy, their soul will live in eternal pain and suffering for their wrongdoings." Anubis said. "That is something very interesting, I wonder what I have to do." Zahra said to herself. "Since you are mostly like Amun and Ra, you will have to answer prayers of Egyptians and do your best to keep the balance of peace and chaos from going, well, unbalanced." Anubis said. "Seems like a hard thing to do, I do not think I could be ready for that." Zahra said nervously. "You will do fine, once you see what goes on, you will easily know what to do, it will be out of instincts." Anubis said. Zahra blinked before sighing. "I am grateful to have you and the others here, I would not know how life is right now." Zahra said. "It is no trouble at all, I am sure you will be a fine goddess of others." Anubis said. "Thank you." Zahra said. The continued to take their walk, while also continuing their conversation. But a certain snake God had watched before evilly chuckling. "Time is ticking, flower." Apophis said.

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