The Screaming Princess [1] Abandoned

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Lunchtime. Cheap, manufactured uneatable food. Talking. People. Friends. Popularity. Hierarchy.


The steady hum of the three-thousand five-hundred and ninety-two students all talking at once, was drowned out by the constant beckoning, of the book that lay in front of me. Holding an adventure, that twisted and turned through the labyrinth of ink and paper.

I sat alone as I always did on my regular lunch table, the last one in the cafeteria, in the bottom corner, where nobody in the whole school -besides me- sat. The lingering odor of day old Mac n' cheese radiated off the trash cans behind me.

People continuously thought it funny to try and throw there lunch into the bins from the other side of the room. To their well planned dismay it would more than often miss and land on the table and sometimes, me.

My twin brother Beau however was perceived differently at this school, he sat at the front of the cafeteria. Talking, laughing. Mostly it his friends who would try there luck at throwing the food. I lifted my head to steal a look at his table, one of his friend saw me.


I put my head down and clench my eyes tight shut anticipating the collusion. Impact. To my left shoulder I felt the cold of the beef tupelo- that was hardly made from beef-laughter erupted in the cafeteria close to the source. I kept my head down fearing the gaze of people around me. I flicked today's lunch special off my shoulder, pushed away my own lunch-it would have only gone uneaten anyway. I picked up my book and opened to the page that I was up too.

I didn't really care that my brother had chosen to go down another path in life. He didn't have a mutual respect for books as I did. He only read a book once in a while when he absolutely had too for English. I started to read chapter three of 'Punished whispers?' a fascinating book, that had caught my attention as I walked past the library. It was new and I wanted to check it out immediately. I'm almost certain I'm the only student in the entire school that has, and uses their library card more often for pleasure.

The words were intriguing to me, catching my full attention blocking out the rest of the voices around I was quickly sucked into a world, that I would much rather belong to then face my own reality. 'quote from book'

My reading was disrupted when a small portion of the beef tupelo that must have gotten caught in my hair fell onto the page I was reading. I cringed; I hope I don't have to pay for that. Maybe they won't notice? I easily brushed it away.


The meat had left a grease stain the size of a quarter; on the page it smeared the ink, deforming several letters. What am I going to do know? Hopefully they won't notice anything when I give it back to them. I don't think they check every page?

The bell rang. Time for sixth hour English, to late to worry about it know. I have to get my books from my locker-and pray that I make it to class on time.

Mrs. Walker was a nice lady, but not one to mess with. If you got onto her good side, you would surely be secure in the class for the whole semester. Which I was fortunate to have but wasn't something I was keen on risking.

If you got on her bad side-which was quite an easy thing to do- then it could simply turn out to be a one-way ticket to failing the semester. And just by glancing at my brother's track record, you could tell he was heading full speed ahead down that one-way street. It would be quite humorous to me if my twin brother had to repeat the year. It would be funny, but also at the same time dangerous.

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